...AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! As I’ve surveyed the many posts - TopicsExpress


...AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! As I’ve surveyed the many posts from my multiple social network friends, I’m struck by a common theme: the majority make a valiant attempt to wax philosophical as they review the previous year and usher in the new one. Maybe more importantly though, is the fact that, in giving thanks for the events of the previous year, while many mention hardship, pain, family, friends, anniversaries…what is conspicuously absent is the mention of material acquisition. In other words, few people, when it really matters, think of houses, cars, and other treasures as the things that added value and blessing to their lives in 2014. For me, this is instructional. It’s instructional because it tells me that when it’s all said and done, the journey is where we find the greatest treasure. The lessons learned along the way. The people we meet that make us better…or worse. The decisions and choices we make that ultimately impact our families, our friends, and those who matter most in our lives. So, in 2015 my “New Year’s resolution” isn’t much different than last years: It’s to remain an active traveler on the road of life. Stopping to smell the roses. Listening in on conversations that teach me to become a better husband, father, friend, and mentor. Serving those who are a little less privileged than I. In 2015 I resolve to be more attentive, more aware, and more in tune with the journey’s of fellow travelers so that I might lend a hand to a weary soul that simply needs a kind word here, and a little nudge there. It isn’t my goal to become wealthier (though if I do it provides more to give to others in need). It isn’t my goal to become more acclaimed (though if I do it’ll become a platform to tell others about how much God loves them). In fact, it isn’t even my goal to make 2015 a better year than 2014. Rather, it’s my goal to become a better version of who I’m becoming. So, no matter what kind of year 2014 was for you I’ve come to the resolute conclusion that, the best part of beginning a new year is exactly that: it’s beginning again, and while I don’t know what the future holds, I’m blessed to know WHO holds the future. So welcome to 2015 as we travel together along life’s myriad roads. Pack light and enjoy the journey!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 11:56:46 +0000

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