AND THE BEAR GOES ON: Another wrinkle in the Affordable Health - TopicsExpress


AND THE BEAR GOES ON: Another wrinkle in the Affordable Health Care Law. The latest unforeseen problem with ObamaCare is the states dumping their inmates into the federal healthcare system. What they are doing is enrolling all the prisoners in their jails and prisons in ObamaCare. This saves the states a boat load of money and satisfies the Supreme Court’s dictate that individuals behind bars be given quality health care. This is another unintended effect of the health care law. This is something that no one saw when the statement was made, “We have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.” What this means is the health care rolls will increase by millions of individuals that none of those who wrote the law ever considered. In a past life, I was a licensed insurance agent in two states (Alaska and California) for eleven years. And I can tell you that insurance companies very rarely insure convicts or ex-convicts for health insurance or life insurance. Why, because of the life style they lead. Most lead lives that are considered high mortality (increased chance of death) or high morbidity (increased chance of injury or illness) life styles. That is not a judgment, it is just a fact, that criminal activity lends itself to an increased incidents of danger and at the least of a mishap occurring; even in prison. ObamaCare is based on the premise of "robbing Peter to pay Paul." In other words having the young healthy population sign up so that high risk and older law abiding individuals can be insured at a lower cost; similar to how the Social Security System works. However, the Social Security System does not have the burden of a convict population dragging down the system. What this means is the insurance premium (or should I say tax) that you pay will go to pay for medical cost for some despicable people such as child molesters, murders, and the like. The state governments see this as moving the burden of payment from their tax rolls to the federal government’s tax rolls. But they are in fact forcing the federal government to use benefits supposedly “earmarked” for you to pay benefits for the bad guys. I hope that you understand what your elected representatives have done to you. Now we have an entitlement program intended for that those who cannot afford or purchase insurance now used to relieve the tax burden on states budgets. What this means is that these unintended beneficiaries of your hard earned money will drive up the cost of insurance further than the cost has already increased. Cost projections have already gone through the roof from the initial estimates. How do you feel now that you are underwriting the medical cost of inmates with your medical insurance premium? Liberty is just a word now a days, not a concept and right.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 06:25:35 +0000

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