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ANI RISING DAILY UPDATE Todays Ani Rising Fundraising Goal: $3000 USD URGENT MESSAGE ~ FUNDING NECESSARY IMMEDIATELY !!! RECENT LETTER SHARED WITH ITHACA MAYOR MYRICK Explore & Support Contribute to Ani Rising @ GoFundMe Today I am Ani Kaspar, a civil and human rights activist with more than 17 years of success in securing not only my own rights, but those of other individuals somehow abused in this great system called the United States of America. About 8 weeks ago I relocated to the lovely, vibrant and progressive city of Ithaca ~ the city you are Mayor of. I attended Wells College more than 30 years. It was the fond memories of the Finger Lakes that drew me here after living in the Caribbean for six years. Mayor, I am certain you know it has been, unfortunately, a oddly busy time for those of us simply trying to secure our legal rights. Economic stress, an aging population, and more factors that I wish not to include in this note, have created as far as I can see, one of the most dangerous, destabilized and frightening times for an American. I write you today because I am very concerned for us all. If I only introduce my experience of the last nine years as an American citizen, I believe you will understand why I write today, and will know rather immediately how you, a progressive, caring politician, can help not only me, but us all. After losing more than $25 million USD and my robust career (amount determined by legally contracted accounting/auditing firm to calculate individual damages in the Cremins & all vs. Merrill Lynch gender discrimination class action of 1997) to a firm that essentially destroyed with its horrific discriminatory practices destroyed not only my career but also my health, I was more than happy to leave Wall Street, the Northeast and a life that had been terminated by forces very much out of my control. For many years life was wonderful. Slowly, healing from the traumas of a career fraught with too many instances of discrimination, I was forgetting. I was forgiving. I was healing. I steered my career to new areas because it was quite clear that once I had legally acted against what I can only call a perpetrator, I was blacklisted for life. I had also lost my health. In 1997 I was diagnosed with two viruses that cause CFIDS and FMS. It is hard to swallow the fact that you worked yourself into ill-health only to be defrauded of your basic civil and human rights, and that even legally, your ability to recover losses would be handicapped, at best. Mayor Myrick, as I am certain, you as a professional can understand, the losses of being a female baby boomer on Wall Street in the 80s and 90s never quite equaled the gains. A savvy investor would call the proposition: too much risk for too little reward. But I somehow moved on. I forgot I had lost $25 million USD to what would be proved in 2008 as white collar criminals. I forgot that more than 3000 women, well-educated, committed and deserving, lost often the same, sometimes more. Mayor, you know the world we live in. Personal net worth, and career success are our bars of measurement, still. So this loss was a monumental one. My generation of women, the greatest generation in the history of our world, pushed through the barriers to these benchmarks as best we could, and still, we lost. Forgetting such loss is a hard discipline. Today still I work on forgetting these losses. When in 1997 my doctors recommended I apply for permanent disability I was aghast. Only then 38 years old, I found it impossible to accept such a definition for myself or my life. And even today, while I suffer with many illnesses (late stage breast cancer, CFIDS/FMS, IBS, chronic migraines, anxiety and more) it is very difficult to accept the limitations of my human body and mind. I once was an exceptional performer in all areas of life. To avoid the consequences of a life committed to work and career, I spent more than $300,000 USD of my personal savings not only on recovering/rebuilding from CFIDS/FMS but also naturally from extensive breast cancer. In fact, with the help of Melanie Royce, MD, one of the most gifted breast cancer oncological specialists, in 2010, after five years of much trial and error, my breast cancer was cured ~ without chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, although all were recommended as part of the brutal treatment that America somehow still finds acceptable for women. Mayor Myrick, I am a gifted woman, with higher than average intellect and courage. I have overcome many obstacles in my life. I am the daughter of a woman who fled the remains of Germany after WWII, a woman who worked her way to career firsts in the department of library development in the state of NY, my home state for more than 38 years. I write you today because after all I have experienced of life, all I have traveled through, throughout the world, all I love and all I dislike, I am very concerned. In 2008 when my then beau from NM where I was living became tired of footing most of the bill for a treatment protocol that cost only about $100,000 in total (versus the average $1.25 million USD quoted for the average cancer patient in America) to cure cancer that was declared by Royce as terminal, it was recommended I apply for permanent social security. Between breast cancer, the lingering unfortunately effects of the little chemotherapy I did do that only increased the size of the primary tumor, CFIDS/FMS and the undiagnosed PTSD from many years of abuse at the hands of inept managers on Wall Street, it was time to be disabled. Initially, I approached the Social Security Administration, only to find their manner of working with an individual with illnesses quite unnerving. It is possible I am sensitive to abuse due to my Wall Street experiences, however, I have learned over the years that this aggressively affronting manner is rather standard for government employees who control the purse of the benefits Americans tax dollars create. Finally, exhausted I hired, sadly enough, Binder & Binder (a disability specialist law firm that somehow seems to benefit the government and not the disabled). In July 2008 when SSAs own physician faxed in an emergency approval request, nothing was done. By November 2008 I was forced to leave the country to try to work minimally in Puerto Rico because for whatever illegal reasons it chose, SSA refused to grant the $1904/month that wouldve allowed me to pursue conventional surgery I still required, and I accepted as necessary to totally cure the breast cancer. Mayor, I have paid into our social security system since I was 16 years old. Still, today I cannot get the SSA to accurately quote in my overall earnings statement the correct earning for year 1987 for example, which had actual earnings of $250,000 USD or year 2000 that had earnings in excess of $400,000 USD. So, you can imagine what I have endured at the hands of SSA since 2008. & it is not only the SSA that appears to have a penchant for abusing the civil and human rights of Americans. It is very sad that I could write on forever about the severe legal and other transgressions I have experienced at the hands of governmental agencies, departments, administrations since 2008 ~ as I only tied to access the benefits to which I am entitled as an American citizen who has worked herself into disability for many years. As it sits now Mayor the SSA owes me more than $70,000 USD on a very, very good day for the SSA. The true amount, if I could get an Ithaca lawyer to simply protect my civil and human rights, is more than $150,000 USD. I have been trying for now nearly seven years while very ill, while ejected from my home, my life, my career, my own body (I am very sick now, with a very large primary tumor and a currently benign tumor in my lungs that has grown 19 fold since 2007 when it was first detected), to SIMPLY SECURE MY LEGAL RIGHTS from the SSA and many other governmental organizations. Mayor, what is going on in America ??? I pray that whatever it is, it has not contaminated Ithaca, a city known for its compassion, intelligence and progressive commitment to humanity, nature and evolution. Mayor Myrick, since here I have attempted to secure help for not only the SSA disability issue, but for medical bankruptcy, Internet intellectual property issues, and oddly enough, what legal counsel in Geneva, Switzerland has determined are severe human and civil rights violations by the country of Puerto Rico (where I lived for six years, and where over the last three years as I was wildly violated by a 30-year practiced DV offender, was illegally evicted twice for nothing I did, and so much more your head would spin if I shared it with you), and are actionable if I can secure ethical, moral and legally committed counsel. I have also been advised to submit a claim to the ACLU by Amnesty International representatives who also find the life undermining events (especially chronic cyber-attacks, threats and massive malfunctioning so my income has been completely destroyed over the last three years), urgently concerning. Whenever I have tried to bring many of these issues to the attention of human rights organizations, lawyers, doctors and others in a request for help, to save my life (I am living in the Rescue Mission after a life of measurable achievement), I am politely told I am a mental case. Mayor, I can assure you I have the mental abilities I always had, except for PTSD. I am currently attempting to undo the damage done to my name by an erroneous and again very odd (according to the international lawyers advising me), recent hospital stay. Legal counsel actually warned me against discussing anything of the targeting issues with a physician, as I would most certainly be called paranoid. Well, if I have evidence of more than 15 cyber-attacks, threats since I wrote Pelicans, Coconuts and Butterflies and 10 affidavits of folks who were witness to the extremely strange targeting events of the last three years, I ask you Mayor Myrick again: what is going on ? Is it true, as many professional say, and many respectable news outlets report, that those who are targeted for whatever you call this life destruction strategy that seems to employ too many resources that should ~ I believe ~ be allocated to our poor, elderly and others who suffer, are also targeted ultimately for management by medication or incarceration ? Believe me, I find this all as unappealing and odd as you do. But I have to ask is it true that my life has continued to be destroyed, even after Wall Street, because I ask for legal action and word? Mayor Myrick, you can say what you will, and anyone can think what they will, but legal history will be the final arbitrator of whatever these times in America are. Right now, I just want my life, my health and my social security payments so I can rebuild a life somewhere where I will not be abused, entrapped, stalked, or targeted because I pursue principles upon which the most amazing country ever to be in this world of ours was founded. And as you know, the Declaration of Independence was inspired by the Five Nation Allegiances birthed in Iroquois country, our land right here in Ithaca. Ive attached some articles that might help you with the last paragraph. You must forgive, I personally find the possibility of me being a targeted individual absolutely insane. But then again, I also thought what Wall Street did systemically to women and other minorities was quite insane. Unfortunately, it appears we are willing to entertain the notion that people who steal more than $87 trillion in our tax dollars, bankrupt our country and its future, and continue to act irresponsibility with hard-earned dollars deserve to be bailed out while I, a woman with no family, who has only asked for what is legally mine, has had her whole life bombed by a system that seems to be, forgive me here for calling names ~ patently insane. Almost paranoid, when you really think about it. Mayor Myrick, I ask you today to assist me in my rightful attempt to secure my human and civil rights in Ithaca, so I can once again be a contributor to our world. I may not be able to work 40 hours a week, but I can write and I create digital art work. Once my life stabilizes I intend on starting a not-for-profit for woman and children funded by sales of my art work and books. I may even if I am strong enough volunteer at the Rescue Mission. I cannot tell you how that organization and its amazing people have restored my faith in humanity, our future and in my own life and abilities to transcend even the darkest of nights. Mayor Myrick, I also thank you for taking the time to review this letter, for considering for even a moment what you would do if the woman writing was your sister, your daughter or your mother. I know what you would do. Mayor, you would do what it right and what is legal. And it is here in that wonderful wide open field of possibility that I meet you. & yes, I have already accepted my responsibility for this mess, and am doing all I can to rectify my contribution. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you again for your kind consideration. Articles for review: examiner/topic/targeted-individuals Ani Kaspar One love, one heart, one destiny. ~ Bob Marley Ani Kaspar Humanitarian Founder BodyByBliss (TM) Author Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies (C) 607.379.7016 anikaspar@gmail bodybybliss@gmail youtube/watch?v=GXxSOFcL8N8 Please care, share & contribute today: gofundme/ani-rising In exchange for your contribution today were able to gift you one piece of original artwork. a 1/2 hour of soulshifting counseling or a copy of my first book, Pelicans, Coconuts & Butterflies. Thank you for your loving support of the resurrection of my life. ~ Ani Kaspar 607.379.7016
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 20:37:27 +0000

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