ANIMAL SANCTURY - A DAY IN THE LIFE…. Many walk into our - TopicsExpress


ANIMAL SANCTURY - A DAY IN THE LIFE…. Many walk into our sanctuary and say “This is exactly what I want to do”. Yes I know how you feel and I know why you say it. But, I now know it truly is not what you want. You do not see what goes on behind the beautiful clean walls and nicely decorated living areas. You do not wake up each morning and begin to shake uncontrollably because you do not know what the day holds ahead for you. Will the dog dying of cancer still be alive? Did the cat who threw up all day go into liver failure? Will the phone ring off the hook with animals that need saved and we have no place to put them? Are the bill collectors going to shut us down? Will the Veterinarian’s turn their backs on our needs because the bill has not been met? Will there be enough people to care for the animals today? None of these things (and believe me I am just listing a few of the daily issues) can simply be put on the back burner. They must be dealt with as quickly as possible – all day long and all night long. Every animal is promised safety and care when they enter these doors, you cannot let any of them down. Society has failed them, other animals have failed them, humans have failed them.., and their problems become our problems. We have saved 343 animals, some so sick they could not even walk. But, we have also lost animals that were so sick there was nothing we could do. Sick, old, blind, deaf, yes, and even a puppy here and there.. all staring at you. Staring at you while nestled on a comfortable bed, but still staring, none the less, with eyes that say “where is that HOME you promised me?”. Every day I tell them “the right home will come, and if it doesn’t.. You can stay here with us for the rest of your life.” They do not like that answer, but it is the truth and the cold hard facts of life in the animal world. We do the best we can to be better than what their other life was like. But we are really not that HOME they all deserve. Some came from a home – this is the best they can do.. for now. When we rescue a dog from death row at the dog pounds and they are phenomenal animals, at some time they were in a home and cast aside, this is the best they can do.. for now. We try to be that home and MOST of the animals we save need extensive medical treatment, surgery, dental extractions, special medications, special diets and on and on and on….. why? Because humans failed them, veterinarians turned their backs on them due to money to treat them. I often wonder when I see an article in the paper about how an animal is sitting in a kennel at a Veterinarian clinic with a very painful shattered leg. That they sit there in pain and suffering until the public donates money for that surgery. How can you attend Veterinarian school, graduate, take an oath to care and save animals and then be so driven with the money aspect. This is exactly why I did not pursue my career into continuing my education to become an MD. After nursing school I realized that I would be doing a lot a free work and I did not care. If someone needed my skills – I would find a way to GIVE away that treatment and not cow-tow to insurance companies or answer to a higher up in my medical practice. Life hands you many things to deal with, mine was changed into another direction and I was unable to continue my education in that field. If I had finished – I would have a free clinic right now I guarantee you that. So, here we are, in financial crises because we did the right thing and sought help for animals that needed it so. To right what this world handed them. And the animals get punished for it – the sanctuary gets punished for it. This my friends is NOT RIGHT! I need three sources of help here.. 1. A very rich person who loves animals – and know what a great service we do for them and help us financially. 2. A Veterinarian who is willing to be a cost effective and skillful addition to our sanctuary. 3. People to donate monthly to help this sanctuary stay afloat. I do not think you know how many PEOPLE I council after they have lost a beloved pet. I cry WITH them when we speak - and cry FOR them when I hang up the phone. The child who is moving and due to the new house cannot take the pet they so love – I have to promise that child WE will make sure their pet is loved and cared for. The homeless person who surrenders their sick animal to us and then wants to come to visit it once a week, opening the outdoor donation box to find a half-frozen animal that someone dumped, the eyes of the kill pound dogs that you have to walk past because you have no room, working 24 hrs. a day when no one can come in to work, riding for hours to save a dog from being put down, 93 puppy mill breeder dogs (all sick) saved to the tune of $300.00+ each for medical care. Had we not rescued them they would have been shot in their kennels. How do you live with yourself? You throw caution to the wind and go get them. I will not allow them to be photographed when they arrive it is disrespectful to them, once they are healthy, bathed and groomed then and only then will I allow them to be exposed to the public. This is like a nursing home. At Christmas time everyone wants to visit and give money and give presents etc. etc. etc. and come January, February March etc… nothing or very few donations arrive and minimal visitors and volunteers. But, the residents are still here. Lonely animals – where is all the attention now? IF you can do all of this – then yes this is what you want…. I highly doubt many people could deal with this. This is why you hear about “crazy cat people” and “crazy dog people” the passion for saving and caring puts them over the top. It is endless. So now… is THIS what YOU want? No, what you want is to come and see that they ARE taken care of and they are clean and they do have beds.. But you cannot do this every day all day long. And may I say to those who have entered here and told me “Oh what a wonderful place – I will be right back with a donation” and then NEVER show up again – I would rather you say nothing and promise nothing then to lie… And to those who tell me there is a special place for me in heaven – Well, then.. it will be too late. We need help NOW. And to those who DO donate, keep their promises, and TRULY CARE. God Bless you – each and every one. You are outnumbered by the uncaring, but you are greatly appreciated and needed so much. So, ask yourself a question… how important is it to YOU to have Island Safe Harbor Animal Sanctuary continue? Then make a decision to preserve it. Please SAVE THE ANIMALS – Focus on that aspect first, and then decide is this really what you want to do?
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 19:35:26 +0000

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