ANNES LATEST UPDATE... Bells are ringing!! By Anne Abbott — 20 - TopicsExpress


ANNES LATEST UPDATE... Bells are ringing!! By Anne Abbott — 20 hours ago And, we made it! Treatment number 30 will be complete at 6 pm this evening. Its been quite a long haul, but Cooper has remained strong fact, he attended his last school session this morning and is currently outside playing golf with his buddies! Hes definitely more tired than normal, but in typical Cooper fashion, doesnt want to miss out on any fun so he just pushes right on through. He has had such a fun time here and though hes definitely ready to get back home, he is sad to leave his buddies here at RMH. The families here have no idea, but they have gotten us through this in a way that no one else could. It means absolutely everything to be surrounded by folks who share this journey and have complete understanding. They cheered him on when he faced making his mask and doing scans awake; when he was ready, they shaved his head and, by their example, showed him that it was cool to be bald; they were our lifeline as we all faced the machine malfunction together. We have laughed, sympathized, played, shared stories, shared advice, waited in medical facility lobbies, dined, puzzled....the list goes on and on. Without these folks...we would not have made it. So, thank you Ronald McDonald House for providing us with a whole lot more than just a place to stay as we faced this trial. Its no surprise that a community that built such a wonderful House for parents and children to reside as they face serious illness, is charitable in many other ways as well. Since Cooper is now hairless, hes no longer incognito and his cute little bald head has affected many sympathetic folks in Jacksonville. We have had meals paid for anonymously, Cooper has been taken on a Toys R Us shopping spree, been given tickets to shows and many kind gestures from complete strangers who just feel moved to shower Cooper with love. It is such a wonderful reminder of the beautiful parts of life and a great distraction from its darker facets. Jacksonville is such a great community of people and we are truly grateful at their displays of love and support for Cooper. By the way....he has no idea that its because his bald head identifies him as cancer stricken! Hes not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I sure wonder what he thinks about why all this cool stuff keeps happening to him! :) At the Florida Proton Institute, its tradition that each patient rings the bell after their final treatment to officially signal the end of treatment. Coopers very last treatment was at 6 pm today and by 6:25, those bells were ringing the sweet sounds of fulfillment. And, he was NOT playing around about it....he rang those chimes for a good, solid minute. I think I even heard some clanging going on. And, those same folks I mentioned above who have supported us along this journey ALL showed up...I cant even tell you how moving it was to see this group of kids, all facing cancer, show up for their buddy when he reached this milestone. Major goosebumps! These are some very special kids and it will be a bittersweet goodbye in the morning. Luckily, when we return tomorrow, we are going home to our loving and supportive friends and family who are already planning to bring us meals and all kinds of fun things for Cooper to do while he is at home. I cant say it enough...we are truly blessed at all of the support, prayers and kindness that have been given so freely to us. As those chimes rang this evening, I felt such pride in Cooper and his fellow Proton patients and gratitude for the support of our friends and family. You have lifted us up and carried us through this. Now, heres a gift for you....enjoy the sweet sounds!
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 02:48:55 +0000

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