ANNOUNCEMENT TO ALL EMPLOYEES TELL CS WIND TO PUT ITS MONEY WHERE ITS MOUTH IS 1. The Union is Not Opposed to Pay Increases You deserve pay increases and a fair pay system. CS Wind has deliberately been stalling out litigation so that it can use the litigation as an excuse to not pay you fairly. The Iron Workers have always been willing to consult with the Company about pay increases so that any much needed reforms could be implemented without violating the Labour Relations Act, 1995 The Iron Workers have never opposed CS Wind giving you a pay increase. In fact, the Iron Workers have repeatedly told the company that the Iron Workers want pay improvements and are willing to consent to them provided the Union is consulted and the changes are fair and transparent. CS Wind hasn’t been willing to do that. CS Wind needs to get serious and stop treating its workers as pawns in a game of chess. It promises you pay increases (but only when cards are being signed). In fact it told you it was working on changes ten months ago and also told you it couldn’t tell you what those changes were or implement them because of Ontario Labour Law. It then sat on its promises. After ten months, it then attempted to illegally implement changes (not all of which were positive) to the pay system. It didn’t consult the union. When the Union pointed out that the Company’s methods are both illegal and unfair, then CS Wind then cancelled its own actions and blamed the Union. 2. A Simple Test for CS WIND – Give Everyone A Raise Here’s a simple proposal. The Iron Workers agree that they will consent to and not oppose an immediate across the board increase for every plant worker of 6%. In fact, if CS Wind is prepared to give everyone an across the board increase of more than 6% the Iron Workers will agree to that as well. We’re not saying that’s enough. You deserve more and better reforms and we think forming a union and electing your own bargaining committees is the only way for you to get a fair pay system. We also aren’t saying this simple proposal prevents other pay reforms. If CS Wind wants to implement a pay equalization system then the Iron Workers are entirely prepared to talk about how that can be done without violating the Act. If CS Wind doesn’t think you deserve an increase of 6% but is prepared to agree to a lesser number then we can talk about that as well. If CS Wind wants to make these changes on a temporary and without prejudice basis pending the conclusion of litigation we can talk about that as well. In the meantime, you deserve something now and the Company shouldn’t be allowed to hide behind the lie that the Union is somehow responsible for CS WIND’s failure to do anything to improve your terms and conditions of employment. Come on CS Wind, take yes for an answer. The Iron Workers and your employees are prepared to work with you. Pick up the phone. Employees want higher wages. The Union wants higher wages. CS Wind claims it wants to provide higher wages. Let’s have a little communication here since there is clearly a win-win-win situation available to everyone. 3. CS Wind is Responsible for the Delays at the Labour Board CS Wind has done everything it possibly could to prevent a fast result and to prevent employees from having their ballots counted. CS Wind could have agreed on Day 1 to have the ballots counted. There are over one hundred twenty ballots that could have been counted the day of the vote. CS Wind took advantage of a provision of the Act that permits them to prevent any ballots from being counted while they held out a technical position under the Act to string this out. They continued to unilaterally prevent ballots from being counted until September 27, 2013. On September 27, 2013 they withdrew their technical objection because they knew the Union was engaged in another organizing drive that CS Wind believed would likely result in a new vote with a fast ballot count. In other words, they withdrew their position because they believed the legal effect of doing so would prevent a new vote that would include new employees they claim to be concerned about. The company who says they want “all employees” to be able to vote just took a step to prevent that very thing from happening. However, even after withdrawing their technical objection (which could have been withdrawn ten months ago) the Company still didn’t ask for a ballot count. They are interested only in stalling out the litigation as much as possible and using it as an excuse not to improve pay. The Union – who wants your ballots counted and wants a fast result to the matters at the Labour Board immediately wrote in to request that ballots be counted as soon as possible. The Iron Workers did this to speed up the process knowing full well that CS Wind committed serious unfair labour practices the day before the vote that make that vote unreliable. We want to assure all of you that the Iron Workers want this litigation ended as soon as possible and will take every reasonable step so that workers will know as soon as possible whether they have been successful in forming a union. We also want to assure you that while that process plays out the Iron Workers want you to receive pay increases. That’s why we have made the simple proposal set out above. THE NEXT TIME A CS WIND MANAGER TELLS YOU THE IRON WORKERS ARE PREVENTING PAY RAISES OR PAY EQUALIZATION ASK THEM ABOUT THIS NOTICE!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 10:01:04 +0000

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