ANOTHER STORY FOR TODAY! I found it when I was looking for the in - TopicsExpress


ANOTHER STORY FOR TODAY! I found it when I was looking for the in the dark one :p my computer is FULL with creepy stories that I have written :) Nan’s house. I love my nan. I really do. I love to talk to her and spend time with her, some of the stories she tells can have me laughing for 5 minutes straight! As much as I love my nan though, I hate her house. Her house always gives me the creeps. If I’m not in a place where other people are, I just don’t feel right. I don’t feel safe. When I would tell my mum or dad about it, they would say “don’t be silly” or “when you get older, you won’t feel the same. You’ll know better”. I clung to the hope that I was just being silly and childish and as I grew up I would stop feeling so uneasy in my nan’s house. I’m older now, and I still don’t feel right. I guess the feeling started when I had that first experience. I was about 7 when the first experience happened. When I was younger I had quite a little temper, and was storming off and sulking every other minute. Well, I had stormed out of the living room and out into the hall, I wasn’t sure if I should go into the conservatory or if I should go to my room. I chose to go to the conservatory, it was a hot night and the conservatory was always nice and cool. As I settled down into my conservatory chair, as it has been called because I seem to favour that chair, it happened. There were bikes in the conservatory because it had started raining, and they wouldn’t fit into the garage because our car was in there. They were quite old bikes, but they were bikes for kids, and my brother and I loved them. One was red and one was blue, mine was the red one, because it was the smallest and because it was 90% rust. My favourite part of the bikes was the bells. They were bright, shiny and huge! But best of all about the bells? The noise they made. It was this really loud shrilling sound that always made people turn around. Anyway, as I was sulking in the conservatory, the bike bells started ringing. I wasn’t scared, but I was a little freaked at the time. It turned out later that it was just my Uncle saying hello. When I found out it was my uncle, I relaxed, and I actually said hi out loud, but I didn’t get a reply. I found out that what had happened to me also happened to mum and one of her sisters. Mum and Auntie Tina were sitting in the lounge, and the bike bells started ringing in the conservatory. Nanny and Granddad were out and so were mum’s other sisters. No-one else was in the house, and yet the bike bells had been ringing. Auntie Tina went out of the house and got her boyfriend to check it out. When Auntie Tina got back with her boyfriend, the bike bells stopped ringing, but he stayed, just in case. About 5 minutes after Tina and her boyfriend sat down, the bells started ringing again. Tina’s boyfriend got up and went into the conservatory. The bells stopped. The handle on the door started to shake. He ran out of the house. Mum and Auntie Tina were scared, so they turned to the childhood failsafe, and went to bed. The next day mum asked my nan about it, and my nan told them that it was my Uncle (their brother who unfortunately passed away not long after birth). I think I should mention that my nan, my mum, and my Auntie Debby, are all mediums of varying strength, which was how my nan knew this. But the bike bells weren’t the only thing that’s happened in my nan’s house that makes me creeped out. The second thing that happened was the first dream; at least, I think it was a dream. It was quite late at night and my brother and I were told to go to bed, so we did. We shared a bedroom, but we had separate beds. We were both looking out of the door and into the hallway when we saw it. We’re not quite sure what we saw, but we both saw it, even though if you asked my brother about it, he’d deny it until he was blue in the face. I think it was part dream, part reality, because what we saw was a kind of skeleton thing. It seemed to glow black, if that’s possible, and its eyes were just empty black sockets that conveyed feelings of hatred. It stared at us and then it walked away, as if it wanted us to follow it. My brother and I looked at each other, got out of bed, and saw where the thing had gone. It had gone in the attic. I don’t think my brother or I have ever moved faster in our lives. We raced down the stairs and through the corridor, and then burst into the living room, both of us babbling about what we had seen. Everyone in the room looked at us incredulously, and told us we were being silly and to go back to bed. I don’t think my brother or I have ever moved so slowly in our lives. We were dragging our feet, making excuses to stay downstairs longer, like needing a drink, or going to the toilet or saying goodnight again. Eventually though, we ran out of excuses and moved in slow motion down the hall to the bottom of the stairs, where we looked up to the landing. It was pitch black. Daniel reached behind the coats to turn the light on, but it didn’t. With a sense of dread, we went up the stairs. I was in front, because Daniel had pushed me in front of him. Isn’t he such a gentleman? Letting me go first to face the monster. When we got to the top of the stairs I ran into the bedroom and turned on the light in there, which was behind the door. The light turned on and I breathed a sigh of relief. Then I realised something. Daniel wasn’t with me. I got out from behind the door and stood in the doorway, the light from the bedroom giving the hallway a slightly garish glow. I saw Daniel standing a couple of steps away from the door, paralysed with what I think must’ve been fear. His eyes were wide and he was pale as a sheet. He was staring into mum and dad’s room. I couldn’t bring myself to look in there, but I did gather up enough courage to lean out into the hallway, feet staying firmly in the bedroom, and without looking, my hand quickly darted out and caught mum and dad’s bedroom door, and pulled it shut with a slam. Daniel was still pale, and his eyes were still wide, but he hurried into our bedroom and slammed the door shut. He just turned to me and said, “Please don’t go to sleep tonight Rachael.” I looked at him, and started to say the sentence, what if I leave the light on? But instead of that coming out of my mouth, I said “What did you see?” I really didn’t want to know, but by the look on his face I knew I was about to tell me any way. He opened his mouth and said with a trembling whisper “It was in mum and dad’s room, and it said it was coming to get us”. I could feel the colour drain from my face and I said “No sleep” and left it at that. That night, my brother and I stayed up until the sun rose, and then we allowed ourselves to slowly drift into a light and fitful sleep, waking up every other hour feeling that things eyes on us. Daniel never saw it again, but I did. I’ve seen it several times, and each time I’ve seen it, I shout at it, then immediately realise that was a bad idea, as it comes walking towards me. Then it’s MY turn to go to the old childhood failsafe, and pull the covers over me so I can’t see it, and it can’t see me. The third experience was the worst though. I was about 12 when it happened. I was in the kitchen making tea and coffee for everyone, when I looked out of the window and saw that thing. It was standing right on the other side of the glass. I tried to scream, but the terror I felt was like a rope around my neck, squeezing until I couldn’t make a sound, until I could hardly breathe. The fear almost distracted me from the sound of a kitchen drawer opening. Almost. I heard it and I whizzed around, just in time to see that there were about 20 knifes being hurtled through the air towards me by invisible, malicious hands. I didn’t make a sound, I just dropped to the floor so the knifes wouldn’t kill me. I didn’t hear the knifes stab anything, so I looked to see what had happened. The knifes had stopped in mid air. Just inches from where I was on the floor. I felt that it was my uncle who stopped the knifes, and I think I was proved right, because in that instant, in my head I heard “Yes, it was me, and you have to know, I won’t always be able to save you. I love you”. Then the knifes went back into the drawer and I didn’t feel that thing watching me, so I finished up the drinks and pretended that it never happened. So as much as I love my Nan, I hate her house more. I know at my house I’m better protected. That thing is still at her house, I know because I feel it watching me every time I go there for a visit.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 17:34:04 +0000

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