ANSWER FOR THIS WEEKS QUESTION. Q. The Dharma followed by - TopicsExpress


ANSWER FOR THIS WEEKS QUESTION. Q. The Dharma followed by Rama and Krishna looks contradictory . Why is it so ? A. Todays so called Dharma is basically based upon either social system or family system. Even if a girl is tortured, she has to suppress in the name of Kula Dharma or family responsibilities. Similarly a girl cannot do certain things that is opposed to Social Dharma. For e.g.. a girl cannot think of doing a pooja because the social system opposes it . But during the time of Krishna , Krishna emphasised much on the attitude and upliftment rather leading a life of suppression and depression . The married Gopis , they get out of their family circle and sing and dance along with Krishna even during night. Similarly Krishna inspired the women to do Pooja and all kinds of spiritual activities. Even now when we visit Vrindavan thousands of ladies including widows get out of their families and social entanglements and they get involved in spiritual upliftment. So during the time of Rama the family , social and Raja Dharma etc were followed , but during Krishnas time Spiritual Dharma was practiced more. Question for the coming week. Q. In the famous sloka from Bhagavad Gita Krishna emphasis the whole life of Krishna . ( Chapter 4 Sloka 8 ) . Krishna has insisted that the Pandavas do Adharma against the main characters in Mahabharatha during the war. How can we justify this?
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:03:28 +0000

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