ANSWERING CATHOLIC DEFENDERS ON THEIR QUESTIONS ON “APOSTASY” part 2 (2) MR. CANAS CLAIMED THAT BECAUSE MATTHEW 24:10-11 IS A PROPHECY THUS ACCORDING TO HIM IT REFERS TO BROTHER FELIX Y. MANALO. This is what he said: “This verse cannot be a proof that the Church was apostatized for it says "many will turn away" if you go back to your logic class, the term "many" refers to a particular, not universal which means the verse refers only a number of people will turn away from faith, not all. And since it is a prophecy, it referring to the future no doubt that these verse may refer to Felix Manalo who turn away from the Catholic Church.” OUR ANSWER: It is true that this verse is a prophecy referring to the “future.” However, this prophecy was declared by the Lord Jesus when He was still here on earth. Thus, the apostolic period (the time from the ascension of Jesus to the death of John or the end of the first century) and the second and third centuries are also “future” when the Lord Jesus proclaimed this prophecy. However, a study of Matthew 24:10-11 with verse 9 that Mr. Canas omitted, will show us that the Catholic Church is indeed the fulfillment of this prophecy and not Brother Felix Y. Manalo. Let us again quote Matthew 24:9-11: Matthew 24:9-11 NIV “9Then YOU WILL BE HANDED OVER TO BE PERSECUTED AND PUT TO DEATH, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. 10AT THAT TIME MANY WILL TURN AWAY FROM THE FAITH and will betray and hate each other, 11and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.” (Emphasis mine) Please note what the Lord Jesus said, “You will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death…AT THAT TIME many will turn away from the faith.” The Lord Jesus was talking about what will happen to the early Christians or the first century Church. He said, “YOU will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death.” Then the Lord continued, “AT THE SAME TIME many will turn away from the faith.” History attests that indeed the early Christians suffered persecution and some were put to death. The Jews were the first to persecute the first century Christians where Apostle James (the Great) and Stephen the deacon were killed. Then came the first imperial persecution of the Christians by the Roman Emperor Nero where Apostle Paul was killed. Then at the end of the First Century came the second imperial persecution of the Christians by Roman Emperor Domitian. THE IMPERIAL PERSECUTION CONTINUED IN THE SECOND AND THIRD CENTURIES. Remember what the Lord Jesus Christ said in His prophecy: “Then YOU WILL BE HANDED OVER TO BE PERSECUTED AND PUT TO DEATH, and YOU WILL BE HATED BY ALL NATIONS because of me. AT THAT TIME MANY WILL TURN AWAY FROM THE FAITH…” The imperial persecution continued at the second and third centuries, and the Lord Jesus said, “AT THAT TIME MANY WILL TURN AWAY FROM THE FAITH.” So, it is impossible that Brother Felix Y. Manalo is the fulfillment of this prophecy because based on what the Lord Jesus said in verses 9-11, this “turning away from the faith” will happen “AT THE SAME TIME” when persecution still continuing. Thus, this “falling away” or apostasy occurred during the second and third centuries. And who claim historicity going back to second and third centuries? The Catholic Church. TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 14:04:21 +0000

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