ANTECEDENTS OF THE SUPPOSED AZORKA-A.B.A FEUD II Perhaps, this matter has rather been hyped by people who know very little about it for obvious reasons; mischief n political opportunism. There are 3 principal reasons that brought about this feud. 1. The first was composition of interim executives of de sagnarigu constituency by de then Azorka-led regional executives. The constituency executives who had fallen within sagnarigu believed that by see party constitution, dey were entitled to compose de full complement of their executive positions in consultation wit the regional executives. Indeed, the constituency executives led by de then vice chairman, Alhaji King had pencilled their proposed candidates for de vacant positions for onward submission. To their utter dismay however, a list of executives was imposed on them by de then regional executives which angered de constituency executives n sections the constituents n subsequently triggered som petitions. It is note-worthy dat Chairman Azorka was was vehemently against Alhaji king who was vice chair assuming de substantive chair in acting capacity. He therefore swore dat Alhaji king would only bcom chair over his dead body. To cut a long story short, Hon A. B. A Fuseini who was then an aspiring parliamentary candidate intervened n got General Mosquito to come to Tamale to settle de matter. He convened a meeting between de factions n finally declared Alhaji King chairman amidst protest from de regional chair n his executives. Chairman Azorka vowed to show Hon A. B. A Fuseini who engineered Asiedu Nketias intervention. 2. The second factor dat caused de friction between these two giants was de nomination n subsequent failure to approve one Allhaji Ibrahim Andani Kaabara as DCE for Sagnarigu Constituency. Alhaji Andan, a close ally of Chairman Azorka was his most favored candidate for de position. However, his fate was complicated by de fact dat he was de NDC chairman for Tamale Central which was not within de jurisdiction of sagnarigu district. He was therefore seen as an alien in de district though he traced some of his roots to de district. Alhaji Andani was subsequently rejected by de assembly. Again, Hon A. B. A Fuseini was a key campaigner against de candidature of Alhaji Andani who was a darling boy of Chairman Azorka. A. B. A Fuseini had stepped on the tale of a lion twice already. Their several years of camaraderie, friendship n brotherhood had deteriorated to an all time low. 3. Perhaps, de last straw dat broke de camels back was when Hon A.B.A Fuseini sought to lay the blame squarely on the Azorka-led regional executives for a dismal performance in de 2012 elections. The NDC lost about 10 parliamentary seats though it performed creditably in de presidential election. However Hon A.B.A Fuseini erroneously blamed de loss of seats entirely on the regional executives accusing dem of being arbitrary and dictatorial in de selection of some parliamentary candidates. By this allegation, Hon A.B.A Fuseini had bitten more dan he could chew hence de battle lines had been well demarcated. It is my firm believe that both our revered chairman Azorka and Hon A. B. A Fuseini are valuable assets to our forward march as a party. As an idol of the grassroots in northern Ghana, Chairman Azorka is firmly rooted. As an MP with convictions, a Deputy Regional Minister n a favorite of many in de upper echelons of NDC, A.B.A Fuseini is a formidable force in his own right. Every effort should therefore be made to diffuse dis seeming tension. So is there any end in sight to this seemingly apparent acrimony? My answer is Yes!!! But there must be some exorcism. Yes,, we must exorcise de evil opportunists who are stoking de fire at every given opportunity. We have to name m shame these vultures who seek to benefit from this division. WATCH OUT FOR THE FINAL PART OF THIS PIECE SOON.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 12:11:51 +0000

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