ANTI-CLASSISM 1. Dont assume that it is a working class/working - TopicsExpress


ANTI-CLASSISM 1. Dont assume that it is a working class/working poor/poor persons job to educate you about class issues. Read up on class struggles. 2. Understand that knowledge from books is never as valid as knowledge based on personal life experiences. 3. Understand that a middle class/upper-middle class/rich position is privileged and not normative or average. 4. Dont assume that it is a working class/working poor/poor persons responsibility to tell you their life story. Never force discourse. 5. Never use a working class/working poor/poor persons experience to further your political agenda, especially if your political platform is not designed to specifically address class issues. 6. Understand how the amount of money you have affects every aspect of your life. With organizations, dont assume that everyone can contribute the same amount of money. 7. Understand how language can be exclusive. Understand that education and high brow language are often inaccessible to working class/working poor/poor people, but realize that class is not a defining marker of intelligence and never talk down to the working class/working poor/poor. 8. Understand anger and allow space for discourse about your specific privilege and/or moneyed privilege in general. 9. Design your specific political arguments with a class analysis. Ask yourself, how would this work for non-rich people? 10. Understand that you are part of the class structure (that you have a class position), but that your position is privileged. 11. Never whine about being middle class. 12. Recognize how classism interacts with and is complicated by other systems of oppression-racism, ableism, oppression of parents, etc. Continued:
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 23:01:32 +0000

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