APC nomination Lagos State governorship aspirants on the platform - TopicsExpress


APC nomination Lagos State governorship aspirants on the platform of the All Progressive Congress, ahead today’s nomination, have increased their social media visibility as part of the last-minute move to outdo one another. On Wednesday, via his Twitter handle, Akinwunmi Ambode, one of the aspirants, told his supporters about the completion of his “consultations and visitations” and that he looked forward to the primaries with excitement. He expressed hope and prayed that the party delegates, at different local government areas, would support his “project”. Speaking through the same platform on Tuesday, the former Account General of the state said he looked forward to the primaries, which he believed would usher in a credible candidate with high expectations. He also expressed confidence in the credibility of the party to pick a deserving candidate. The politician had uploaded a video of his declaration speech on Youtube, saying it would be useful to supporters who could not witness the event. Anchored on ‘Continuing the process, securing the future’, the speech highlighted how the accountant intends to consolidate on what he considered the exceptional achievements of Gov. Babatunde Fashola and his predecessor, Asiwaju Ahmed Tinubu, in the last 15 years, to take the state to a new height. Another key contestant, Tokunbo Wahab, is more visible on votetokunbowahab, a website dedicated to his political mobilisation activities, and a Facebook page linked with the webpage. Here, the lawyer and human rights activist provides his supporters with minute-by-minute updates on the campaign programmes and strategies. Wahab’s campaign centres on #ThinkLagosForaTomorrowthatWorks. On both the campaign Facebook and web pages, supporters are given regular updates on the progress of the campaign. They are also availed the opportunity to watch and read interviews granted by the aspirant on his plans for the state if elected. When it was rumoured that he withdrew from the race, he took to the website, which contains his manifestoes as well as action plans, to deny the report, informing teeming supporters that his dream to govern the state was still on course. But both his campaign Facebook page and website were unusually inactive on Wednesday. Yet, the last message, perhaps a response to dozens of enquiries received by the page, urged fans to “stay informed”. Along with the message was uploaded a report entitled ‘Lagos APC Integrity Group petitions the Inspector General of Police… seeks Ambode’s arrest, prosecution for perjury’. On the page, on Tuesday, was another upload of an online report with a headline ¬– ‘Dollar rain as Tinubu woos delegates for Ambode, 11 other aspirants plot counter moves’. Responding to the update, Olufemi Olurebi, described the development as “the beginning of corruption” while he urged Lagosians to wake up. The Facebook of Olasupo Shasore, another legal professional in the race, is not as functional as that of Wahab and Ambode, at least not on the basis of political engagement. The last update on the page was on October 29 during the public presentation of his book, ‘Possessed – A History of Law and Justice in the Crown Colony of Lagos’. Yet, his supporters have found in the page a useful medium, as they sent their requests, wishes and enquiries through it. “God almighty will help you to actualise your political ambition. We need you to change Lagos, because you posses all the attributes and potential a governor should have. I am using this medium to wish you good luck in Thursday primaries,”, one Raymond prayed for Shasore via Facebook. But on Twitter, the Senior Advocate of Nigeria said he had no godfather outside the 20 million Lagosians he wanted to lead. He said this on Tuesday. Few days earlier, he appreciated the call for a governor who could deliver, and dared to say he was the man. “Personally, I know the people of Lagos State want a governor who can deliver. I am driven by the passion for service. I know the demands of Lagosians,’ he stressed. The speaker of the House of Assemby, Adeyemi Ikuforiji, has also maintained a modest visibility on Twitter. “It’s the dawn of a new month, the dawn of a victorious week. This week marks the beginning of greater things to come in Lagos. I’m ready. Are you?” he asked via his Twitter handle on Monday. A day earlier, he welcomed Lagosians to the historic week while he boasted that he “can transform Lagos in two years”. He also urged the delegates to “decide wisely”. Copyright PUNCH.All rights reserved. This material, and other digital content on this website, may not be reproduced, published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without prior express written permission from PUNCH.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 07:42:09 +0000

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