APPLE FAILS SNOOPWALL PRIVACY TEST ON PRIVACY APPS WE GRADE iTUNES an F as in FLUNK!!! While Apple publicly now claims they are offering encryption and taking consumer privacy more seriously, we give them a solid F as in FAILing grade for their actual behavior when it comes to helping provide consumers with a more private experience. We attempted to upload our free, open source, Privacy Flashlight to the iTunes store as an Apple Developer. Unlike the 500 flashlight apps on the apple iTunes store that have features such as access to GEOlocation, Network, File Storage, Microphone and Webcam, when NONE of them need all of these hardware ports except Webcam for access to the LED, our app was REJECTED by Apple. Our File Size: 73k. Average Apple iTunes Flashlight App SPYWARE: 1.2 to 30 megabytes. Their reason for rejection? See their response below, which they sent to us, twice: ------------- • 2.11: Apps that duplicate Apps already in the App Store may be rejected, particularly if there are many of them, such as fart, burp, flashlight, and Kama Sutra Apps ----- 2.11 ----- We found that your app is primarily a flashlight app, which duplicates the content and functionality of apps currently available on the App Store. Apps that simply duplicate content and/or functionality create clutter, diminish the overall experience for the end user, and reduce the ability of developers to market their applications. This is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines. We recognize that there is a wide range in the quality of flashlight apps and that yours may be of better quality than many others already available. Or, it may include features or characteristics that distinguish it as more than just a flashlight app - or even something other than a flashlight app. But your app prominently features flashlight functionality, which classifies it as a flashlight app. And we simply have enough flashlight apps in the App Store. We encourage you to re-evaluate your app concept to create an app that is in compliance with the Guidelines.For app design information, check out the videos: The Ingredients of Great Apps and “Designing User Interfaces for iPhone and iPad Apps,” available on the iOS Developer Center, and the iOS Human Interface Guidelines in particular, the sections, Great iOS Apps Embrace the Platform and HI Design Principles and Human Interface Principles. Etc. etc. Apple, on behalf of all consumers worldwide, you get a big fat FLUNKING Grade when it comes to caring about Consumer Privacy. Please email support@apple and tell them what you think about their choices in what they allow on their iTunes store and what they dont. youtube/watch?v=dHZvrY2iVmc
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:05:38 +0000

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