ARCHANGEL MICHAEL The Following words are the words of Archangel - TopicsExpress


ARCHANGEL MICHAEL The Following words are the words of Archangel Michael the first time he spoke to us here on Earth via radio, via the channel called Linda Dillon. Linda works with Steve Beckow on Golden Age of Gaia {earlier 2012 Scenario}. It might seem strange to you to that AAM would want to talk to us like this, yet the entire Council Of Love including many of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Gaia and not in least Divine Mother herself have such a great desire to communicate with us, now as we come closer to becoming One with our Galactic and Spiritual Families in a way we have not been able to for as long as we can remember. This channel Linda Dillon has been chosen for this work with In-Light radio, a long time ago when an agreement was made. I personally find these ‘sessions’ both enlightening and comforting. On many occasions I am moved to tears during the shows which are once a week, and called An Hour with an Angel. I wanted to say a few words to introduce you to AAM and ended up following the very first radio show with him on the 13th December 2011. His words then are just as important still as we get closer and closer to the Changes. The following lines are excerpts and if you would like to read or hear the entire Hour from that date just go the following link, at the bottom of the text. AAM: Yes I Am Michael, Archangel of Peace, warrior of love, bringer of truth. And I welcome all of my beloved friends this night, this time of unfoldment upon the planet of Earth, Of Terra Gaia, and Nova Earth. Let us begin this way. This unfoldment that you have been in has been in process for some time. I have given you this. We have travelled together through dark times and through brilliant times, which you often refer to as darkness and light. And so I want you to know this. Everything is in Divine order. We did not simply pick a year in Earth time for this unfoldment, for this plan. If there is one thing I would ask you to do with me, with the Company of Heaven, with the Council of Love, with your own guides and friends, with your own human circle, it would be to point yourself, steer yourself, aim yourself towards the light. As we start listen with your heart, listen with your flame, and prepare yourself to step forward in peace, in truth, and in the wholeness of who you are. For each of you are unique and part of this mosaic. Each of you are necessary. That is why you are reading or listening to this. When you are in a new relationship, whether it is with a child or a loved one, a partner or friend, there’s the beginning, and there’s the excitement and the electricity – and a little craziness. And that is what many of you felt on 11/11/11. Now with 12/12/11, feel the relationship maturing, deepening into a sense of trust and knowing that you are genuinely in a partnership. And in that relationship – with Us, with each other, with yourself – there’s a deeper anchoring of balance and of inter-connectedness to all, to all forms, not just your human collective, to all elementals, to your Star Brothers and Sisters. This is how shift happens. It’s when trust and love are restored. Its when the heart opens enough and is balanced enough to begin to move into living in trust and in beingness. Now I use that term and it does not mean sit still. Often I have asked you find your joy. Remember my friends you live in an infinite ever-expanding universe. That means that the joy the love is also expanding. So I ask of you, with My sister Gabriel {Archangel Gabriel}, to sit in your heart, to feel My blue flame, and Hers of gold, and allow the joy to penetrate you. The information about the presence of your Star Brothers and Sisters has been known for a long, long time. But there has been this very strong wave of denial. But now there is an eagerness in the air. The difficulty is the governments who would make such announcements are wondering who is going to be the first. And it’s because of some of the economic ramifications. And let me tell you about the fear with the economy. It’s because when they come, when that announcement is made, or when they simply appear and we say, oh my, we’ve visitors, they know the technology and the science that was required to get here. They have known about these gifts for a long time. When they come the global economy will shift because things that are valued today will assume a different value. There will be new technology, new uses for resources, new understandings about cleansing the Earth, getting her ready for her journey homeward. Gaia is one of the most diverse, abundant planets anywhere. Yes her purpose is love but she was created so there would not be want or need. So those of you working as bank managers and tellers and middle management, know you are there holding the light! It will come from all kinds of sectors. Because there will be a fresh breeze that blows across the globe. Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters will appear humanoid. Yes, they might be slightly taller, they may have distinct features, but by and large, because they also have this capacity, they will appear much like the humans that are listening. But let Me suggest to you that should someone from Andromeda be on a mission to another Universe or place, they also have the capability to shape-shift. As do you. You just haven’t realised it. At this point Steve commented to AAM that he would like to shape-shift younger. And AAM replied. That’s part of the plan. You know, it’s a package deal. And the rejuvenation – that’s another way you can also see who has gone through the portal and gateways, {Ascended}to the fifth, to the seventh. And you can see that they look and begin to look younger and younger. They are being rejuvenated. {Regarding Barack Obama}. Now in his desire to be conciliatory, in some cases he has not lived up to his potential and to his promise of change. He has been weighed down by the politics, and, yes, seeking the truth and the balance. But he has also been guided, as you all are – but let Us be very clear about this, it’s like a strategy that’s in unfoldment. And yes, there’s much criticism. So We say some of its legitimate. But then I ask of you – because I spend much time walking those halls – where’s your heart? Do you abandon those you love and cherish so easily, or do you rally behind them and help them, if they’ve lost their way or miss-stepped.? Do you encourage them, as we encourage you, to go forward, to hold that line, to go forward with things that would be in some situations unpopular – such as disclosure, which will happen very soon, by the way: There are many cities of light that are being activated all over the globe. And these will be places of equality, of compassion – of qualities that have been forgotten. It will be where all thrive and where all are welcome. You will welcome beings from other worlds. You will share. You will walk with Masters. You will have the wisdom vision. You will see and you will hear and you will not have this belief that has been so engrained as separation. It was never intended that you would be stuck here, on Earth, with the inability to hear us, or to see us, or to be with us. That is the plan. It’s a plan that we are all awaiting, that’s well underway. We know sometimes you are tired, and you feel as if you have been run over and defeated. When this happens turn to me. Let us restore you. Let us lift you up and gently remind you who you are. Let us wrap you in the Mothers cloak and cuddle you until you are healed. That is what we are here for, not only to show the way, but to assist and take care of you. When you look at the sky, see how it shifts and changes. When the announcement comes, as it will, hold the centre of peace. Do not engage in the drama. Be the voice of reason, be the anchor. Go in peace. Excerpts chosen and reposted by Therese Zumi Sumner supported by Archangel Michael My Boss. Link to complete text on Golden Age of Gaia. Many thanks to Steve Beckow and Linda Dillon and all the gang at In-Light Radio, for your Loving devotion. goldenageofgaia/page/2/?s=archangel+Michael+transcript+from+the+13+th+December+2011
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 23:02:47 +0000

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