ARE YOU CALLED OR CHOSEN? THERE IS A DIFFERENCE, FOR MANY ARE CALLED BUT FEW ARE CHOSEN. To be a part of the Chosen we must abide in Yeshua and his words must abide in us. That we do his will according to his will. If you profess to be Chosen then you have to ask yourselves if you partake of any darkness that Yeshua has called you out from. Remember it is his way that we are to follow, not what we wish his word to say. For the word of god has not changed from the beginning even until now. Throughout Scriptures both old and new, flow together without controversy. Therefore we cannot take away or add to that which the Lord made instruction for us to follow, for too those that find them, they have written them upon their hearts to do them. That means we come out of the ways of this world and we learn the appointed days and times of our Lord. Many that profess to know the Lord have no clue about the FEAST OF THE LORD NOR DO THEY UNDERSTAND THE SABBATH DAYS CREATED BY GOD. Well Heaven and Earth have not passed away therefore the instructions of the Lord have not either. People do not know that the Gregorian Calender and ALL of the Holidays created by men are Pagan and even the days of our weeks are pagan, from which Yeshua told us if we are to be chosen that we are to come out from them. Many are called, however because they enjoy their traditions that come from darkness over the ways of the Lord, they in fact are not chosen. Yeshua said you cannot partake of the cup of the Lord and drink from the cup of devils and no man can serve two masters, for either he shall cling to the one and despise the other, nor can you eat of the Lords table and the table of devils. So if we are to be a part of his chosen we come out of the things of this world and out of the doctrines of men and Learn the ways of our Lord, as he said for those that keep my commandment and acknowledge me, those are they which are known of me as I am known of them. YOUR RELIGIONS OF TRADITIONS DO NOT MATTER, WHAT DOES MATTER IS ARE YOU LEARNING THE WAYS OF OUR LORD? The Lord told us to try every spirit to know if they are of God. For the devil himself portrays himself as an Angel of light. Therefore if a man teach you anything that would go against what Yeshua taught and lived, then he is a liar and the truth is not in him and the spirit he works in is anti Christ. Remember the term Anti Christ means anything that is contrary to Yeshua/Jesus. For the Lord said in the Last Days many False prophets and false Christ shall arise and they just might be teaching to those that love to have their ears tickled. We are called to the righteousness of God not the righteousness of any man. For the scriptures tell us none are righteous no not one and the Lord told us to humble ourselves in the sight of God. Well God sees everything therefore we are always to humble ourselves to his will over that of our own. Yeshua said, there is a way that seems right unto man but the end thereof is death. There is only one way to gain Life for your souls and that is to be obedient to the will of God. So if he told you to come out of the things of this world, then that is exactly what you must do. That is if you LOVE Yeshua you keep his commandments. By the way Yeshua said if you Love me keep my commandments, well the only commandments when Yeshua made that statement was the Torah, the written word of God. Some say that Paul told us we are not under the Law? Silly People, if by statute you obey the Laws then you are not under them but if you break a law then you are under the Law and must pay the penalty for breaking it. So in fact you abide by the Law, so you are not subject to it. With regard to the laws of sacrifice we have been given the perfect sacrifice our Lord Yeshua, however that sacrifice is not yours unless you acknowledge that he paid the price for your transgressions. We must continue in our faith to grow and be nurtured by the Lord and if any be lacking let them ask of God who is faithful to teach you ALL things. Question of the day??? If the Lord said he would teach us all things through His Holy Spirit then what have we the need of men to teach us, for the Lord said he would not leave us comfortless but that he would come to us and if we lack anything ask of him who is faithful to teach us ALL things. People it isnt enough just to be called, we must seek to be CHOSEN!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 01:16:06 +0000

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