ARE YOU DATING THE WRONG PERSON? THESE TEN SIGNS SHOULD TELL YOU. We all have our dating doubts, but if you are experiencing any of the following issues, you could be investing time in the wrong person. • You don’t feel like you can be yourself: You just never feel completely relaxed around them, even after dating for a good number of months. If you can’t be who you truly are with your significant other, it’s time to think hard about what you are doing in a situation like this…and why. No one is worth this much sacrifice. • You’re unhappy: Someone who is dating the right person consistently enjoys the relationship and feels a general sense of happiness (arguments aside!). If you find yourself unhappy most of the time and especially when you are with them then this may be a sign that this isn’t the best person for you. • They exhaust you: Instead of feeling energised after hanging out with your partner, you feel emotionally drained most of the time. They seem to always have something to complain about, or just have a negative outlook on life. Either way, the person you choose to spend your life with should really lift you up rather than drag you down. And it shouldn’t feel like “work” most of the time. • The friend factor: If you are with someone and don’t really want to introduce them to your friends, this is not a good sign (and you should ask yourself why!). If you are with someone and they never bring you around their friends, it’s another sign. • You never envision the future together: If you have been with your partner for a while and just don’t see how it would ever work together down the line, it might be a good idea to evaluate why you are with this person and what you are really looking for. • You are like night and day: Compatibility is an essential ingredient for a happy and peaceful union, and if you and your partner have many fundamental differences, it may make things that much harder. • You’re not excited to see or hear from them: Dating should be fun, exciting and heartwarming, not another chore. It’s not always going to be sunshine and roses, but you should feel happy to see them most of the time. • You don’t feel good about yourself: In addition to feeling happy, a person in a good relationship usually has a positive self-esteem. Sure, they will have some doubts and insecurities (who doesn’t?), but the time they spend with their partner will make them feel better about themselves, not worse. In contrast, if your partner exacerbates your self-doubts and undermines your confidence, it’s time to stand up for yourself and say see ya later! • The cons of staying together outweigh the pros: Sit down for a few minutes and write down the advantages of staying with your partner. Then list the disadvantages. When you compare the lists, you will either find that the benefits outweigh any disadvantages, or that reasons to break up are more compelling than the ones to stay together. • Your instincts are whispering – get out: As a general rule, the voices inside us are there for a reason, and they should be listened to. Don’t ignore the subtle red lights your subconscious is warning you about. Ultimately, our hearts know what is right for us. Give your inner voice free rein and let it direct you to the conclusions that are best for you.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:21:15 +0000

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