AROUND AND AROUND AND AROUND HE GOES; WHERE HE SHOULD STOP, HOPEFULLY SOMEBODY KNOWS. There really is no amusement in this statement for me but it does seem fitting along my life-learning path this year – themed: One test to pass at a time. This time I learned that . . . my self-worth is the highest it’s ever been on my scale; that I know what I truly deserve and need to be happy performing my life’s work; that helping people through teaching with horses remains a major passion; and that my desire to see all methods used while working with horses are done with the best or kindest way possible. I must say it amazes me that in this day and age people can remain stuck doing things with horses even though they know there is something that does not feel right within their hearts. After spending so many years trying to find the best ways possible to become a kind, confident leader with every horse I have encountered I must remain committed to keep moving in this loving direction. Horses are here as our divine teachers, not just beautiful beings to control or quietly enslave. They are wiser than imaginable, masters of non-verbal communication for crazy-important reasons and serve the greater purpose that matches the noble in their awe-inspiring strides. I am vowing to only work with them as partners in the most valuable life teaching and will honor everything I listen to with my open heart. One loving stride at a time I will march to the beat within the messages they bring forth and stop letting “what everyone else does” get in my way. I found that I need and deserve to co-run a facility of equine-guided learning to help make the New World emerge that we are supposed to be living in alongside these magnificent creatures that have so much to offer us – one and all. Today I said no. Tomorrow I will say thank goodness there are others who want to see this come to fruition. I am thankful to know that while there are few that speak as loudly as I, there are many surrounding me who know what I have to say and desire to do needs to happen. I, Ray Hackett, deserve to remain the incredible teacher/instructor I am with others, to be the caring horse trainer I am with others, and to help heal the special needs of one and all who come our way through the guidance and divine intervention of horses. Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 22:08:30 +0000

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