ARTICLES ON AWCY NIGERIA TRAINING WORKSHOP African working children and youth Nigeria coordination group and 24 partictipants which consist of 9 girls,17 boys , 16 children and 8 youths ,These participants are elected from all the associations in Nigeria namely; Aradagun, Ajegunle, Badagry, Esepe-Obele, Enugu, Ileshi, Seme-Ashipa, Owode and Whekan Association held their annual training workshop at tonny commy guest house,Aradagun Badagry lagos state, Nigeria on MAY 26TH – JUNE 2ND 2013. The theme of the workshop was been choose by all the association members and coordination for the purpose of problem the association is facing right now, so the theme is :REINFORCEMENT OF OUR INCOME GENERATING ACTIVITIES AND ACTUALIZING OUR VISIBLE ACTIVITIES IN OUR COMMUNITIES AND HAVING A VISIBLE INTER-ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES. The training started by all the participants introducing theirselves and writing down their fears and expectation. As the meeting continues the participant and the facilitator together describe the word (IGA)INCOME GENERATING ACTIVITIES the definition, the steps to have a concrete (IGA) and what we can use the profit for. The participant and the facilitator defined INCOME GENERATING ACTIVITIES (IGA) as; simply is define as action taken or activities done as a result of earning money for our association or in our various grass root groups in other to back up our rights. The facilitator also list out the steps that we have to takes I have a concrete and good functioning (IGA) as listed below: the people involved should be willing to work, fully understand the activity they want to conduct, know how to use money, know how to handle customers, have a little bit of money, have a conducive worksite, be literate, and then the person must be healthy. As the workshop continues the facilitator let us to understand the criteria’s of having an (IGA)which are: the reason why we need IGA, what possible in our community, what are the missing services that don’t generate much money and is durable and very fast in services, we what do we need to start, what do we have, who can help, how can we get those things we don’t have, who is going to help in selling or do that activity, what will be the gain/benefits/profits after selling or conducting that activities, what are we going to use the gain/benefits/profits for, and how can we keep it durable and growing every day. He continues as he said; Selection criteria for a product or service - A product or a service which people often ask for. It is a need for the inhabitants of the locality. A product which is not very expensive in the locality and is easily sold because of its quality, which is easy to get or to manufacture, in order to avoid shortage. The equipment can be easily fixed and its spare parts can be easily found, as well. It is accepted in the locality and is not rejected. - The best-selling products: consumer products; products that people use daily; which are affordable; which are quality products and useful; which are well-displayed (well decorated and pleasant to look at), etc. it make understand all this asking the participants I work in group and look in I their different association to give example. The facilitator also made us to understand we don’t have to start our (IGA)with a huge of money. So he asks the entire participants to look into their different association and chose a reliable (IGA) So these are their presentation: OWODE; Liquid soap making, ARADAGUN liquid soap making, Ajegunle; Finish hashing, Badagry; selling of fuel black market and they are start with 50 litres of fuel, Esepe-oble; Selling of kerosene and they are starting with 5 litres, Seme-Ashpa; kerosene and they are start with 5 litre too, Whekan; they are start with one bag of groundnut, Ileshi; they also suggested Kerosene and starting with 5 litre, Enugu; they suggested Chichin making and bouns Now to the next topic which is actualizing of visible activities in communities, the facilitator and participant together give concrete visible activities that the group should use their income/profit to do, so that they can be recon as agent of child right protection such as listening I vulnerable children and street children to know their problem, to counsel them, to enroll some to schools and working place and also fight for the children in any difficulties they are. As was been include in topic above inter-association activities , the facilitator explain the topic and also shared the participants with their nearby association so that they have inter association activities together to make them known I people more in their different area. Conclusion: The entire participant feels change in the workshop that the training was well organized and the topic suit the problem the entire association of Nigeria is facing now. The participants draw work plan for their individual association on creating a new (IGA) and also inter- association activities they will be carry out immediately after the training. They all sign agreement to do it within 2weeks interval. The coordination creates a minimum ceremony for the purpose of giving out of certificate to participants as recommendation and also I create awareness I the people in government that was invited to the program. The impact after training; all the participants now know how to create a reliable (IGA) with a little money; they now know how I create visible activities and also inter association activities with the rest associations. Articles By Awesu Haliu Nat. communication Officer
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 09:47:07 +0000

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