AS IRAQ PREPARES TO REENTER THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC COMMUNITY: I read this today and it is of much importance globally – and even more so to the United States. 2-26-2014 Newshound Guru Millionday [so what is the timeline other than a WTO workshop in march?] they are required to have the international rates set and also the currency has to be internationally recognized — this requires the actual rate of their currency set to all foreign currencies…also we have seen CBI stating from their own words — they have met with the bankers and they are raising the value and setting the rates — they have announced that the are activating laws and regulations and that we are watching steps that include the workshop about the economic reform that has already occurred that lead to international banking. In the coming weeks and months you will see abbreviations that you have never seen before and a language that comes with them. For those who don’t keep up with world affairs, here is a list of abbreviations and their meanings: CBI - Central Bank of Iraq WTO – World Trade Organization IMF – International Monetary Fund BIS – Bank of International Settlements UST – United States Treasury GCR – Global Currency Reset FRN – Federal Reserve Note SKR – Safe Keeping Receipt WGS – World Global Settlements Off the Wall – Important things to know: BS – Bologna Sandwiches IDK – I don’t know SOS – Same Old Stuff (LOL) LOL – Lots of Laughs LMAO – Laughing my A** Off There are other codes to the international banking community where global banks are concerned, but these should get you by. What is the importance to the world with the Global Currency Reset? For those who have a country based on assets and GNP, it means solvency; it means wealth and growth. For countries like the United States that has built the past several decades on Socialism while growing a huge government and public debt, it means “Poverty, hunger, sickness, death, crime, and many in prison!” Not all countries will see the value of their currency rise as they fall in the same category as the United States; i.e. (examples) Venezuela, Argentina, Greece, Italy, (the European Union). All of the countries where the Federal Reserve or Central Bank Systems have had major influence, of which we can say the United States has been instrumental in global taxation via the United Nations, will see very hard times for many years to come. The United States could overcome in short order as can some other countries, but it is up to the People to forget PARTIES and join under the Constitution, Bill of Rights and an understanding of the Declaration of Independence and remove the infestation that has been the ruling class within Washington DC to Wall Street and across this nation where federal control means usurping the Sovereignty of individual Sovereign States for the purpose of taxation and control of the people. In other words, we have the choice of becoming Slaves to the communists who have trashed this country or we can sit up and pay attention while removing the ills of this country. Politics alone will not save a country. It will take creation of wealth and circulation of that wealth. Redistribution is only good until we run out of other peoples money. Yes, the world currencies are about to reset and many countries who are motivated by Capitalism can overcome and grow. The United States has held this process up and was just stated so in the Iraqi press. Of course the reason is that the so-called Elite, who have been trashing the world and killing our country with socialism are attempting to protect their possessions; all they have stolen from the American people. Where are our factories today? Where are our miners and lumbermen? Where is our Oil Industry? Where are the entrepreneurs who are not afraid of start up companies and hard work simply because they have dreams to fulfill? All around the Untied States today we hear the voices crying for Impeachment of a criminal who sits in the White House. He does not need impeached. He only needs to be arrested and charged with his crimes against the citizens of this country. He has no legal documents that show he is eligible to be where he is. All around the country today you hear people wanting to kick Congress out and start over, but then their voting records can place the most of them in Prison for Treason. All it takes is the Provost Marshall from down the road to bring the troops into Washington DC with arrest warrants? Where is he? The citizens of each state can recall and arrest their own so-called Representatives and charge them with treason based upon their voting records; yet, where are the citizens? Where are the recalls and the arrest warrants? There has been no support for the citizens of this country within our State and Federal Governments because the people have left the criminals alone so long they have gotten use to pillaging and plunder. Citizens have been raped over and over again for decades and they seem to have enjoyed where it has taken the vast majority; down the road to poverty through Perpetual Debt practices and government dependence. Now we will pay the price as soon there will be a Bank Holiday and no one will have access to money until the banks open again. What will they have left in their bank accounts? Little to nothing as even the FDIC insurance was bankrupt in 2008, but the bankers have not informed their customers of this and every bank displays their FDIC insurance sign in each and every lobby. Are we so blind? When the banks close and people start to panic, there will be riots in the streets, people getting hurt and probably dying as well as many going to prison. Crime will be up in the streets as people will be hungry and food will be in short supply. What about our utilities and electricity? Will the sewer systems be shut down? Will the water remain on in our communities? There are many questions people can ask, but the only one I have been asking for years is why don’t people wake up and do something to get themselves out of debt before this happens. After all, consumer (citizen) debt is more deadly to us than the national debt that was created by an illegal and unconstitutional fiat money system owned by international criminals who have taken advantage of the American Citizens since 1913. I guess we can call this food for thought and wonder where the food is later when the country is shut down. This is not the kind of blog I like to write because it is so depressing, but then, if we turn this thing around and head it in another direction; even if it is difficult, we can overcome and eventually win out. All it takes is THE PEOPLE to wake up and do what they know they must if they love Freedom. After all it is as simple as our Preamble to the Constitution states; We have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness; as long as we are willing to do what we know we must. /Can we Save the United States of America?/
Posted on: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 08:03:55 +0000

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