ASH WEDNESDAY - BEGINNING OF SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION. It is no more news that today reminds us that to dust we come from and unto dust we shall return to one day. What if that day is today, where will you be? Many people do starve themselves for hours in the name of fasting and achieves nothing at the end. Many fast because they need better jobs, wealth, good health but you hardly see people that fast because they need salvation and to establish a personal relationship with God. Fasting contains three things, which are prayer, alms giving and denying oneself some pleasures be it food, drinks etc. Sometimes you see people who are indebted to others and they have the resources to pay their debts but they will not. They give alms to the beggers everywhere they go and when their creditors calls for their money, they same man giving alms and fasting will tell them that he has not eaten since today, telling all sorts of lies in order to trade with the persons money for months while his creditors sometimes begs to eat.. The above example is how many have remained stagnant spiritually year in and year out. Many of such people are the decision makers in their churches. Some are even aclaimed men of God that have not overcome greed and lies in them. Today, goes beyond just fasting and praying and giving alms. The question is; what do you want to achieve in this forty days of celebrating the passion and death of Jesus Christ? Today,marks the beginning of Jesus crossing us to the OTHER SIDE. Crossing of from SIN to SALVATION (HOLINESS). Follow me to Mark 10:31 where Jesus told His apostles LET US GO TO THE OTHER SIDE. Why did Jesus said this was because there were lots of distractions and they needed a deserted place that he wanted them to rest and meditate on their past and plan for the future. The question now is, are you willing to cross to the other side with Jesus. Remember that Jesus and His apostles crossed the river with canoe. By the other side, Jesus meant from bondage to freedom. I want you to understand that the River that Jesus crossed represents PROBLEMS & OBSTACLES OF LIFE while the canoe represents the means of overcoming the obstacles. These means are what we are starting today LENT, others are Bible studies and fellowships, Confession and penance, Evangelism, hospital and prison visitations etc. It is unfortunate that many people have been for years procrastinating when to go to the river bank to board the canoes. Many are standing on the river banks for years but their inability to let go of their sins have blinded them not to see and make use of the many canoes available to cross them. Brethren, where are you standing now? Have you crossed to the other side, have you reached the river bank or are you still postponing your repentance and reconciliation with your creator?. Your ability to harken to the voice of Jesus today means empowerment to cross over from poverty to abundance, sickness to health, unknown to authority, rejection to acceptance, sorrow to joy, cursed to the blessed. The biggest river before you is YOU. What are you thinking? How do you think? Proverbs 4:23 says that; Be. Careful of what you think for your thoughts will shape your life. You are blessed is you think that you are blessed. You are a failure if you think that you are one. NOTHING will ever change in your life for good if you have NOT CROSSED OVER YOUR NEGATIVE MINDSET no matter your fasting, prayer and church activities. This is because the word BELIEVE which Jesus used in Mark 16:15-20 is key for miracles, signs and wonders to happen in ones life. What you belief in, operates in you and decides the reaction of your body towards events in your life. Brethren, let it be known to us that it will be by the grace of God for all that witnesses the ASH ceremony today to witness Easter, Penticost, Christmas etc this year. When is yours?. I know that your plans is to see and testify of the goodness of God in the land of the living but what is Gods WILL for you? There is no better day to start the SPIRITUAL RENEWAL that will catapult you into knowing the WILL of GOD for you than today. Understand that there are two forces operating in man; the flesh and the soul. Which one are you really satisfying for you cant serve two masters at the same time. Brother, Sister, if you have not started have a SCHEDULE OF PERSONAL MEETING WITH JESUS, I bet you, it will be difficult for Jesus to speak to you for the essence of Cross to the other side in Mark 10:31 above was to have a personal dialoque and teaching with his apostles. In the Charismatic Renewal where I am a member, we call it QUIET TIME WITH JESUS. You have to start it today and see a transformation. Stop being a slave to your needs for the Lord provides for His people even while they are asleep (Psalm 127:2). Please pick up that old rugged cross where you have abandoned it for years and follow Jesus for His grace for you is enough and His strength in made manifest in your weakness (2Cor 12:9). Stop deceiving yourself or allow anyone to deceive you with signs and wonders. Your blessings, favors from God is ATTACHED TO YOUR CROSS. Stop weeping, forget your past and let us start the journey of FAITH & DOMINION with JESUS. He is the rock that never sinks. Heavenly Father, I thank you for this message today, I pray that every soul that will read this message today will receive mercy, purification, grace and strength to follow our Lord Jesus Christ without looking back any more in Jesus name Amen. Father, bless us financially, materially and spiritually to bless others in Jesus name Amen. It is well brethren! Clossing song; My hope is built on nothingless than Jesus blood and righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest fram but wholly lean on Jesus name, On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand, all other ground is sinking sand.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 08:57:51 +0000

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