ASKING AMISS [SIDE D) ON THE LAST EPISODE @P.T.P SEASONS. + JAMES CHAPTER 4:3 ASKING AMISS [THE AUTHORITY OF JESUS CHRIST QUESTIONED] SAYS YAHWEH OF ARMIES THE LIVING HOLY GOD AND KING ETERNAL OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. + MARK CHAPTER 11:27-33 JESUS IS LORD EVEN ON THE SABBATH. (JESUS AND THE PHARISEES). +MATTHEW CHAPTER 12 NB: JESUS CHRIST WORKS EVEN ON THE SABBATH MEANING ON THE SABBATH THERE IS NO RESTING AT ALL SINCE HE OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST GAVE US THAT AS AN EXAMPLE. A PHARISEE IS A MEMBER OF A JEWISH PARTY NOTED FOR STRICT ADHERENCE TO (THEIR OWN ORAL TRADITIONS IN INTERPRETING) THE TORAH (THE LAWS GIVEN TO MOSES). [Taken form oxford English dictionary]. They are very strict, am talking about those who have alienated from the grace of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, they serve that which Is sin even in asking, they ask amiss because they serve death. And they are they that questioned and still obstacles unto the grace of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST even in the current state; they do not work on the Sabbath. +Romans Chapter 10:4,Romans Chapter 6:14,Galatians 5:4! FLESH AND CARNAL LAW (THE TORAH). 1. WORSHIP OF ANGELS. + REVELATION 22:8-9 Early Seventh day Adventists (SDA’S) denied JESUS deity saying HE was only an archangel. Their commentary, (volume 5, pg.1129, cites Ellen White) as saying “The Man CHRIST JESUS WAS NOT LORD GOD ALMIGHTY (Source: Ellen G.White 1903 ,ms 150, SDA; Commentary V, p.1129). Muslims believe in angels, are important to Islam, in general angels are important in Islam whereby if a Muslim does not believe in all six, including angels, there is no faith.Muslims believe that actually Gabriel recited the Qur’an an to Muhammad in a cave, Hira’a, near Mecca. Flesh and carnal laws will lead people of THE LIVING HOLY GOD to worship angels ending up asking amiss/a mess.Pharisees think that OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST is an angel or GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT as Gabriel. We are to worship THE LIVING HOLY GOD and ask direct unto THE LIVING HOLY GOD, and not any other channel of creatures created by HIM. + Colossians Chapter 2:18 2. FOODS. + Romans Chapter 14:20-21 It is only flesh foods that are sacrificed to idols, foods like: flesh deeds (1Corinthians 5:11) which causes someone to stumble! Yet not anything like foods that goes inside us defiles us, but that which comes outside from within us that causes us to stumble (Mark Chapter 7:15-25) the most!! Pharisees forgot this that when they attempt to eat certain foods like: camels among others and neglect others like: pigs among others will ask amiss unto GOD, BUT all these foods where condemned in the laws of Moses (torah) but eating something won’t improve our relationship with GOD; WE SHALL NOT LOSE ANYTHING IF WE DO NOT EAT, NOR SHALL WE GAIN ANYTHING IF WE DO EAT. + 1Corinthians Chapter 8:8! 3. CARNAL JUDGMENT. + Romans Chapter 14:22 Pharisees condemned and still condemn themselves by what they approve as their own imagined thoughts ending up being an abomination since their judgment is based on outside standards of killing those who do not submit to their cultures, they ask amiss through what they do but continue to think they are doing it to GOD,THAT IS WHY THEY CONTINUE TO QUESTION THE LORD’S AUTHORITY BY NEGLECTING HIM AND ASKING FROM FALSE gods which give them thoughts of false judgments ending up in unbelief. + John 3:18 4. WOMEN DENIED SERVING UNDER PHARISEES. + Galatians Chapter 3:26-29 Thinking that women are nothing and that if they ask will be given superior authority over men in serving THE LORD is a Pharisee mind set, because there is neither Jew nor gentile but we are all one in CHRIST JESUS in HIS service. + Romans Chapter 16:3-5 5. INSULTS OF THE LAW HAVE FALLEN ON JESUS. + Romans Chapter 15:3 When we act as if we are so staunch in keeping the law of the torah, it means all the insults that fell on JESUS CHRIST are still falling on you! We have to accept JESUS CHRIST so that HE might stand in that gap for us to be safe and accepted in also asking not asking amiss unto OUR LIVING HOLY GOD. + Isaiah Chapter 53 whole chapter! SPIRIT AND SPIRITUAL LAWS IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. 1. HOPE THROUGH TEACHING OF (THE GRACE). + Romans Chapter 15:5! Scriptures encourage and motivate our lives in preparing us for HIS goodness. When we are hopeful that through JESUS CHRIST in HIS GRACE that we will reach at a certain bright future, then we do away with the law of sin which leads Pharisee members to death. + 1Corinthians Chapter 15:56! 2. EXAMPLE OF CHRIST JESUS. Following the example of CHRIST JESUS who had no sin and who did not live a luxurious life. JESUS CHRIST was 100% SPIRIT because the water that came out of HIS ribs after being pierced on the cross meant HE came with and lived in a HOLY SPIRIT way of life, so we ought too! + John Chapter 19:34,1John 5:6-7, Revelation Chapter 22:1 3. PRAISING WITH ONE VOICE. +Romans Chapter 11:33-36 Praising with one accord, a one accord means bringing ourselves out of praising the world and with the world thus to praise GOD undefiled which HE will accept. When we praise OUR GOD in one accord then HE will draw near us so that we might ask not amiss/mess while HE leads us. + James Chapter 4:8.When we purify our hearts from justifications of Pharisees then we will admit that we have humbled ourselves and ready for HIS take over to lift us up. + James Chapter 4:10! 4. MERCY. + Romans Chapter 11:26-28,Romans Chapter 11:30-32 If we make our callings of a permanent experience no matter what comes our way in distracting us, then we are given full right to enter the eternal Kingdom of our LORD which is peace, joy and righteousness (Romans Chapter 14:17) in order for HIS mercy to pour on us in all angles. + 2Peter Chapter 1:10-11! 5. SALVATION. + Romans Chapter 11:11-12,Isaiah Chapter 45:22 When we accept and confess HE LORD JESUS in our hearts and to work in our mind (Romans Chapter 10:9),then we fulfill one of the spiritual laws that will lead us to being baptized in full water immersion like: OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST was baptized in river Jordan by John The Baptist (John 3:3-17),making GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT to fully fall on us and work in us which gives us a chance to become GOD’S children (sons and daughters) through being born again in spiritual ream. + John Chapter 3:3-6,1Corinthians 15:29-30,1Corinthians Chapter 15:45-50! IN CONCLUSION: SALVATION IS JESUS CHRIST AUTHORITY.WHAT THOSE UNDER THE LAW CAN NOT GET BECAUSE THEY ASK A SERIOUS MISS,WE IN SALVATION OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST ARE WILLING AND ABLE TO GET EVERYTHING WHEN WE DO NOT ASK AMISS BECAUSE JESUS CHRIST BECAME POOR SO THAT WE MIGHT BE RICH IN HIM,RICHES OF THE SPIRITUAL. + 2CORINTHIANS 9:9,2CORINTHIANS 8:9! @PERILOUS TIMES PROPHECIES SEASON4. IN THESE LAST DAYS OF HORROR THUS SAYS YAHWEH OF ARMIES THE LIVING HOLY GOD OF ALL CREATIONS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS IN THESE LAST DAYS.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:49:14 +0000

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