ASUU STRIKE CURRENT AFFAIRS: ASUU Strike 2013 In Numbers, See - TopicsExpress


ASUU STRIKE CURRENT AFFAIRS: ASUU Strike 2013 In Numbers, See Current Position Below, we outline the series of events that has marked the 2013 ASUU strike action by the Academic Staff Union of Universities, since 1st July. July 1, 2013: ASUU began a nationwide strike over alleged Federal Government’s refusal to implement the agreement between it and the union over unpaid entitlements. August 6: The Federal Government team led by Benue State Governor, Dr. Gabriel Suswam had a failed meeting with ASUU officials at the office of the SGF as the teachers insisted on the implementation of the 2009 ASUU/FGN agreement. August 18: Meeting between striking University lecturers and the Federal Government ended without a resolution of the crisis. August 20: Jonathan met with the Federal Government’s officials engaged in the negotiation with ASUU at the Presidential Villa, decided to lead another negotiation with the leadership of the union. August 20: FG approves N400 billion for infrastructural development in Nigerian Universities. August 20: ASUU threatened to pull out from the Presidential Committee on the Implementation of the Committee of Needs Assessment of Nigeria public Universities, CNANU. August 23: The Federal Government reached agreement with ASUU to deploy N100 billion for the provision of infrastructure on campuses of 61 Universities covered in the needs assessment . August 28: National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) issued a one-week ultimatum to the Federal Government and the union’s leadership to resolve their differences or face serious consequences, which we never saw, making brand NANS as a Failed and Impotent association. October 24: Senate mandated its leadership to wade into ASUU strike by meeting the Federal Government and the ASUU executives November 4: Senate President, Senator David Mark met with the leadership of ASUU, but no resolution to end strike. November 5: President Goodluck Jonathan in 13- hour marathon meeting with the leadership of ASUU in conjunction with representatives of the NLC and TUC, insist Strike must end, or FG follows Plan B (Force Varsities Open Using Proprietor Power and replace Defying lecturers). November 12: Prof. Festus Iyayi, former ASUU President died on his way for ASUU meeting in Kano. November 20: Management of Ibrahim Babamasi Babangida University, Lapai, IBBUL resolved to reopen the school after ASUU fails to call off strike. November 23: ASUU NEC members agreed that before calling off its strike government should pay the four- month salary arrears being owed varsity lecturers. November 26: Management of Ebonyi State University, EBSU, Abakaliki resolved to reopen the school after ASUU fails to call off strike. November 26: Management of Adekunle Ajasin University, AAUA, Akungba resolved to reopen the school after ASUU fails to call off strike. November 26: Committee of Pro- Chancellors of Federal Universities called for the immediate re- opening of all shut down Universities across the country. November 28: Federal Government Moves to Implement Plan B, from Nov 5 Meeting, gives ASUU ultimatum to call off strike in one week or face expulsion. What is the Next Agenda now?
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 14:27:54 +0000

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