AT MY MOMMA’S HOUSE SEASON 3 EPISODE 4: Aint A Courtroom In - TopicsExpress


AT MY MOMMA’S HOUSE SEASON 3 EPISODE 4: Aint A Courtroom In America……….. Scene 1: It’s Tax Time Jaylon awakes to the sound of his alarm. He has many things to do with his time.. He has to open his restaurant, go to a business meeting, and finally claim his taxes.. He’s been waiting on tax season because he wants to build a patio dining area at the restaurant… He gets his W-2 forms and grabs his keys and heads off to the tax service… On the way he gets a call from his brother, Jonathan… Jaylon: Hello?? Jonathan: Wassup bro.. I was just callin to catch on with you on a few things… How’s the family?? Jaylon: (curious) They alright… How everything going with you?? Jonathan : Well I just got laid off from work.. Im gonna chill and relax for a bit before I go looking for another job.. Shouldn’t be too hard with my degrees and all.. Jaylon: Sorry to hear that .. But I know you shouldn’t have no problem at all getting work.. Jonathan: Yeah… How that catering business going??.. Jaylon: It’s good… Jonathan: I was thinking of coming up there to visit for a few days… Jaylon: (excitingly) Cool mane.. Just tell me when Jonathan: (laughing)m Shit , Im thinking of heading up there now.. Jaylon: I don’t know about that… I got some personal stuff I need to clear up 1st… It just wouldn’t be a good idea right now… Jonathan: (disappointed) Oh ok.. Maybe next time.. Jaylon: You know what.. Come on .. I need some company right now to get my mind off these problems.. I’ll see you in the meantime bro.. Love you.. Jaylon hangs up the phone ... He arrives at the tax office.. Gathers his paperwork then heads in… He signs up to see an available agent and sits and waits… As he is reading he hears a lil ruckus.. He sees an agent pass by screaming “ I can’t take this shit no more.. Where do we find these people?”.. The agent goes outside and has a few cigarettes then comes back in … Jaylon nods his head and continues reading… A few moments later, that same agent comes to the front desk and reads Jaylon’s name off the sign in sheet.. Agent: Jaylon Ferguson?? Jaylon : (standing up) That’s me.. Agent: How you doing sir??.. Walk this way please… Jaylon follows the agent to a cubicle and sits down… Agent: So how can I help you?? Jaylon: Im filing my taxes .. Here’s the paperwork … Jaylon hands him the paperwork and they commence to putting in information in the computer system… Jaylon: Sorry for asking but what was that lil ruckus I heard earlier.. Agent: Some fool trying to claim his son on his taxes… The damn son is 46 years old… Then the dude had the nerve to ask us to rile his taxes as a favor because he had no money… Talking about he part of a non-denomination tax free institution. . Jaylon: (laughing) What kind of institution, if you don’t mind me asking?? Agent: (shaking his head ) A homeless shelter… Jaylon: (curious) What’s this dude name?? Agent: We don’t give out that kind of information… Jaylon: Im sorry . It just reminds me of someone I know… Agent: No problem…(turns computer monitor) Read over the information you’ve put in and click continue if it’s correct.. Jaylon (nods his head in approval)… Yeah everything is correct… How long is this process gonna take? Agent: About 5 minutes.. I’ll be back in a few… The agent leaves.. Jaylon cant help but wonder if the guy the agent was speaking of earlier is Joseph… He shakes his head , laughs, and says “ Nah, Im trippin.” Commercial Break: Buy my new comedy book for $3.95… It’s easy to access and it’s unlike any other book products, you decide how the book is gonna … Simply go to my facebook, print out the jokes that you like, and staple it together in order of your preference… Don’t forget to send payments via paypal to my momma’s house … God Bless You and Enjoy!!! Scene 2: Familiar Foe The agent comes back to his desk and takes a look at his computer monitor… Then turns to Jaylon.. Agent: There seems to be an error somewhere… It says that you must call the IRS… Jaylon: (shocked) What ? Why?? Agent : I don’t know …. But it seems that someone has tried to use your information on a tax form multiple times without success…And it caused a red flag to go up with the IRS … Jaylon: Does it say who that someone is?? Agent : I cant....But it says for time submitted ….3 :45 Pm .. which is about 15 minutes ago…. Jaylon: (talking to himself) Who in the world would try and use my info??... (pause).. That mfer Joseph… Agent : Did you just say Joseph?? Jaylon: Yeah, I bet that’s the dude you were speaking of earlier wasn’t it?? Agent : Well Im not at liberty to say but yes it is!!! Jaylon : (gets up) Thank you sir.. That’s all I need to hear.. Im sorry for the misunderstanding and taking up your time… Agent : (handing Jaylon’s paperwork back) Thank you.. And once you get that resolved with the IRS , come back and see me… Jaylon : (under his breath) Only if you’re a defense attorney bro… COMMERCIAL BREAK: With Christmas just around the corner, it’s almost impossible to find items in the store that hasn’t been trampled, opened, or just mauled… But alas a breakthrough is only a phone call away…Call Not So Secret Shoppers at 832-878-9099, and we’ll do the shopping for you… All we need is your name, credit card number, and what you want us to shop for.. And it’s done!!!.. Also for a limited time for those people that don’t trust us, we’ll close our eyes when we write down your social security number .. That way you know you’re safe… CALL NOW!!!!! Scene 2: Brotherly Love Jaylon drives home and relaxes on his sofa… He is in disbelief that Joseph is continuously messing up his personal life…He tries to think of a way to get rid of Joseph but not catch a case in doing so…There’s a knock at the door.. He peeks through the blinds and then opens the door.. Jaylon: Wassup big bro (gives his brother Jonathan a hug) Long time no see.. Jonathan: Sup lil brother… You looking good bro.. Nice crib,, Jaylon: (walking to couch) Thanks man…Been a crazy last couple days.. Jonathan: What happened?? Jaylon goes through the story of how Joseph ruined his Thanksgiving luncheon, ruined his relationship with his girlfriend, and tried to claim him on his taxes… Jonathan: Let’s find him and tune his ass up.. Jaylon: Nah man, I don’t wanna hit rock bottom no more… I don’t wanna lose everything over this crackhead and have to move back with momma… I don’t know what was worse, living with mom or Joseph..(laughs) Jonathan: Well I got your back .. If we see him while Im down here , I’ll show you how to handle him.. Jaylon: I know you will… I know how you get down (laughing) Jonathan finishes unpacking.. They lounge and eat lunch… Jaylon: Im bout to go to the restaurant.. I gotta close the register and do some numbers.. Jonathan: How bout I roll with you… I wanna see how this bbq taste you’ve been talking about.. Jaylon: Cool, Let’s go… Jaylon and Jonathan get in the car and drive off… They talk and laugh along the way… When they pull up to the driveway, they see an ambulance and firemen.. Jaylon: (To Jonathan) What the hell??... Jaylon runs into the restaurant where he sees there was a fire… He asks some of his employees what happened… Employee: I turned on the stove and it just went up in flames… I don’t know what happened!!!.. There was an altercation earlier with this homeless looking dude and Jimmy (assistant manager)… I think the dude was trying to say he worked here and walked into the kitchen… During the tussle, that can of grease we use spilled unto the griller… I thought I cleaned it off good but I guess it wasn’t good enough.. Im sorry boss!!! Jaylon : Where’s Jimmy (asst manager)? Employee: He was burned and taken to the hospital… But that homeless dude is out back talking to police… Jaylon walks out back and sees Joseph.. He walks up to him and hits him in the face ,knocking him down.. His brother. Jonathan joins him in stomping Joseph before police restrains both and puts them in handcuffs… They both are hauled off to jail… Jaylon looks back as he’s being driven off.. He makes eye contact with Joseph whose being attended to by paramedics… Jaylon utters to him “ Just wait!!!”…. THE END
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 02:42:39 +0000

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