ATTENTION ATTENTION FACEBOOK: When you see me Reading the Bible - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION ATTENTION FACEBOOK: When you see me Reading the Bible You May Assume out of Ignorance... that I believe in Christianity. The Truth is Chris-Insanity has Nothing to do with The Holy Bible at all from Genesis to Revelation The Bible was written to a Nation of people(Israelites.) Get a piece of paper and Draw a BIG CIRCLE. Then Put a small dot in the middle. Look at it..... Thats how much of the Bible was written for the Israelites. Its Their Record Book, Their book of instructions, and Prophecies. The Bible is Not a Religious Book Written to so called Christians. Christian was a Nick Name that Outsiders called the Disciples that Followed Christ. Christ Was Not a Christian, Neither was he Jewish. He was a Jew which means he was born by bloodline out the Tribe of Judah (Hebrews 7:14). He never Practiced Judaism. when i say Jewish or Judaism im referring to the Religion that the Jewish People Embrace Judaism....Lets not be children in understanding. The Disciples Followed Christ wasnt in no way shape form involved in Chris-insanity. They was Israelites By Blood....Did you Hear what I said? I said They was Bloodline. Descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Noah had 3 sons=Shem, Ham and Japheth Genesis 10:1 Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. Abraham was the direct descendant of NOAHS Son Shem. (Genesis 11:10-25-26) From Shem came a Man out his bloodline who is known Today as... Terah... Gen 11:25 And Nahor lived after he begat Terah an hundred and nineteen years, and begat sons and daughters. Gen 11:26 And Terah lived seventy years, and begat ABRAM... ABRAM Name was Changed to Abraham (Genesis 17:5)..Remember Abraham became the Forefather of the Hebrew Israelite Nation. Abraham had a Son by the name of Isaac ( Genesis 21:1-3) Isaac had a Son name Jacob (Genesis 25:19-25) and this is How the Israelites was Brith....Now... You may say well....What is a Israelite? The Root word of Israelite is Israel. Many Christians dont know who Israel is in the Bible. Israel Name was Jacob at first until it was.....Changed. (Genesis 32:27,28, Genesis 35:10). Israel who is Formally Known as Jacob.... had 12 Sons (Genesis 35:23-26). These same 12 Sons had their Own Children which later became Known as the TWELVE TRIBES of Israel. Because Each son has descendants...and Each of them Form Tribes which was named after their Fathers (Ancestors). So Since Israel had 12 Sons...again you have the Twelve Tribes (Sons) of Israel. For Example Israels 4th Son Name was Judah. Christ is a direct descendant of Judah. Judah Means Praised. Now Anyone who Was a direct descendant of Judah had a Nick name which you Know Today as JEW. Jew does Not mean you are Jewish It only Meant you was a descendant of Judah. Jacob aka Israel had a son Name Levi which is his 3rd son. So Anyone who descend from Levi had a Nick name know today as LEVITE Levite=Descendant of Levi. If you was a direct descendant of Jacob aka Israels son Benjamin. That Mean you was called a Benjamite. Remember Jacob aka Israel had 12 sons. His Sons had children and they are all known as THE TWELVE TRIBES. These Tribes are ALL FAMILY. They are Known as The ISRAELITES or HEBREWS or HEBREW ISRAELITES. Its Not an Organization, Its Not a Religion, Its Not a Cult. You dont wake up and Become an Israelite. You are Born an Israelite. You Must be a Direct Descendant of one of those 12 Sons to be an Israelite. Israelite=Descendant of ISRAEL. Prime Example: Saul aka Paul in the New Testament who wrote almost everything in the new testament said: Are they Hebrews? so am I. Are they Israelites? so am I. Are they the seed of Abraham? SO...AM...I. -2 Corinthians 11:22. Paul even Told what Tribe aka which Son of Jacob aka Israel he was a direct Descendant Bloodline. In Romans 11:1 He said out his Own Mouth....I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid (By No Means). For I also am an ISRAELITE, of the seed (descendant) of Abraham, of the tribe (Son) of Benjamin. Philippians 3:5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; This Means Paul himself was a Benjamite. By Bloodline...Not by Religion. Which Mean him and Christ was Family, because Christ was a Jew born out the Tribe of JU-DAH (Judah.) Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moshe hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. -Exodus 3:6 Saying, I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Then Moshe trembled, and durst not behold. -Acts 7:32 And the Ahayah Said unto him, This is the Land which I sware unto Abraham, Unto Isaac, and Unto Jacob, I will Give it unto thy Seed: I have caused thee to see it with thine Eyes, but Thou Shalt Not go over Thither.- Deuteronomy 34:4 And it shall be, when the LORD your God shall have brought you into the land which he swore unto your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give you great and beautiful cities, which you built not, -Deuteronomy 6:10 And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for an heritage: I am the LORD. -Exodus 6:8 And I say unto you, That many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. -Matthew 8:11 These... people were All direct descendants of Noahs sons Shem, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob aka Israel....The 3 Patriarchs of the Israelites in the Bible. Look at The Book of James For Example. Who was it written to? The Correct answer it was Written to the TWELVE TRIBES. Read James Chapter 1 verse 1 it says James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the TWELVE...TRIBES.....TWELVE TRIBES... which are SCATTERED.... abroad, greeting. So who are the 12 Tribes that Got scattered? (Deuteronomy 28:25, Deuteronomy 28:64,65) The Twelve Tribes are Only Referring to the Twelve Tribes of...ISRAEL.....In the Bible. The Biggest secret thats being kept from us is...that.... You so called Negros and West Indians…and all those are descend from the People who went into Slavery with Ships during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade….wake up. You are the people who was Scattered Abroad. You are the people who Christ is coming back to Get. (Ezekiel 36,16-32, Ezekiel 37:21,22, Jeremiah 30:1-3, Ezekiel 34:11,12, Ezekiel 20:23-24, Deuteronomy 29:24-28, Deuteronomy 32:26, Jeremiah 17:4, Deuteronomy 28:68) are Prime Examples of Physical people being scattered and Loosing Knowledge of their TRUE IDENTITY (Heritage.) You are the Very People who Physically descend from These people in the Bible that I spoke of. These are Your Forefathers. BLACK PEOPLE: Have You Ever wondered why You dont have a Slightest Clue as to your True Identity? Black isnt a Nationality, Black is a Color of a Crayon. You say you African American however You have No African American Land, Flag nor do you have an African American Language. If I ask you what Part of Africa you From..Your Silent. If I ask you...who in Africa is claiming you as their People...Your Silent. Over Countries in Africa and you cant claim 1 as your Home. You speak English, English comes from England...your not From England so what is your African American Language. Last Time I checked No one speaks a language called Afri-merican-Nese. Think about something... Russians are From Russia, They Speak Russian. Germans are From Germany and they speak German. Spanish People from Spain, They speak Spanish. French people from France, They speak French Korean People From Korea, They speak Korean. Other Nations have their On Flag, Land, Language, Last Names, History, Food, Clothes, Culture and a way they function as a society of people. In a sense Other Nations have their OWN WORLD Because they are their Own Divine Class of People.. and for the most part...They Love their own people not killing em off and shooting them everyday...and in most cases even their OWN ANIMAL for example.... Even DOGS Have a Nationality: German Shepard=German Dog, German dog language, From Germany Siberian Husky=Siberian Dog, Siberian Language, From Siberia French Bulldog=French Dog, French Language , From France Chinese Child=Chinese Dog, Chinese Language, From China. The So called Negros Identity has been placed under a Dog How sad is that?. When you ask OUR people what is their Nationality.... They say..... They dont know, They Run from the Question, Get upset at you because they dont know, They say race dont matter..or they give you silly answers such as, Black African American, American, Black, Afro-American, Negro, Mixed and all sorts of By-words. The So called Negros carry The Last Name of their Oppressor and is very proud to be called a Smith, a Johnson, A Williams, Jackson, Jones when Clearly these Names dont belong to them. These Last Names Belong to the ancestors of those who Enslaved and Mistreated us. The so called Negro has No clue to his or Her True Heritage because they dont understand that their Heritage which was Discontinued from them which the Bible does tells us (Jeremiah 17:4)..YES...Its recorded in scriptures Black people your True Identity is Recorded in the Holy Bible and Im Not Just talking...They say If you want to Hide something from a Nigger...put it in a BOOK... We went into Slavery and Lost knowledge of who we are and Knowledge of our Forefathers. We read the Bible everyday..but never think to connect yourself to the Very People in the Bible...whom you been reading about since a child. Because your parents, Teachers and Pastors didnt know therefore you wasnt taught his Growing up until Now.... Your Ancestors went into Bondage aka Slavery was Biblical Prophecy.... Acts 7:6 KJV* And God spake on this wise, That his seed (descendants) should sojourn (live) in a strange (foregin) land; and that they should bring THEM into bondage (Slavery), and entreat (Mistreat) them evil FOUR...HUNDRED YEARS. ^^^ who else Fit this? Lets get some More. Jeremiah 5:19 KJV* And it shall come to pass, when ye shall say, Wherefore doeth the LORD our God all these things unto us? then shalt thou answer them, Like as ye have forsaken me, and served strange gods in YOUR LAND, so shall ye SERVE STRANGERS in a LAND that is NOT YOURS. Remember how the Slaves was Sold Right? Moses told our ancestors it would happen 3200 years before it happen to our people. Deuteronomy 28:32 KJV Thy sons and thy daughters shall be GIVEN unto ANOTHER PEOPLE, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long: and there shall be NO MIGHT in thine hand. Didnt this happen to the slaves? Their sons and daughters was given to ANOTHER race of people? And there was NO Power to stand before our enemies? Still not convinced?? Ok lets get some more...I can do this all day....lets get some more. *Deuteronomy 28:41 KJV Thou shalt beget (have) sons and daughters, ...but thou shalt not enjoy them; for THEY shall go into captivity (slavery). Wow...once again...this happened to our people right? Still not convinced? Ok lets some more. Deu 28:48]] KJV* Therefore shalt thou SERVE YOUR ENEMIES (Slavery) which the LORD shall send against thee, in HUNGER, and in THIRST, and in NAKEDNESS....AND....,and IN WANT....OF ALL...THINGS: and he (slave master) shall put a YOKE OF IRON.... upon THY NECK, until he have destroyed thee. Didnt we go into slavery...serving our enemies? When the slaves was Hungry or Thirsty didnt they have to SERVE THEIR ENEMIES TO GET IT? When they was Naked...didnt they have to serve their enemies? In Deuteronomy 28:48 it also said in want of ALL THINGS...Not just some, most or said ALLLL THINGS...didnt this happen to YOUR PEOPLE? As it is to this very day?? Of course...but lets put the Nail in the coffin...he said our enemies was going to put a YOKE OF IRON UPON OUR NECKS.... Go on Google type in Slave with Iron Yoke click on Images...see which people pop up when u see them Images....This only fit Still not convinced? Ok lets get some more... Deuteronomy 28:64 And the LORD shall SCATTER THEE (You) among ALL PEOPLE, from the ONE END of the earth even unto the OTHER; and THERE... thou shalt serve Other Gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers (ancestors) have known, even WOOD AND STONE. STOP...STOP...During the Slave Trade when we was on SHIPS...were did they ship us off 2? It wasnt just AmeriKKKa we got scattered among...ALLLL PEOPLE....think about? Did we not? How you think the slaves got to Brazil, Trinidad, Jamaica, Haiti, Cuba, Dominican, Great Britain, Spain, we got SCATTERED....How did we get there? SLAVE SHIPS...the Bible Tells us this....lets get it. Deuteronomy 28:68 And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt (Slavery) again...WITH SHIPS, by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it NO MORE AGAIN....: and THERE....YE SHALL BE SOLD.... ye shall be sold unto...YOUR ENEMIES for bondmen (male slave) and bondwomen, (female slave) and NO man shall buy (Save) you You must read Deuteronomy 28:68 very carefully and fully understand this verse....lets do a small break down. It said the Lord was going to bring us into Egypt....(Stop) what is This talking about? Egypt was always referred to as the house of BONDAGE (SLAVERY). Prime Example lets see. Exodus 20:2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of EGYPT, out of the house of BONDAGE (SLAVERY). Here another one Deuteronomy 6:12 Then beware lest thou forget the LORD, which brought thee forth out of the land of EGYPT, from the house of BONDAGE (Slavery). Now you know Egypt was referred to as the house or place of Bondage. Bondage mean what? Slavery. Now lets go BACK To Deuteronomy 28:68 Deuteronomy 28:68 And the LORD shall bring thee into EGYPT (SLAVERY) again with SHIPS.....(STOP...Didnt we go into Bondage with Ships??...Keep Reading).... , by the way whereof I spake unto thee, ( the way that im speaking to you....Keep reading....Thou shalt see it NO MORE AGAIN: (STOP....besides the Slave Trade you NEVER SEEN NO ONE ELSE GO INTO BONDAGE WITH SHIPS...HAVE YOU? keep reading....)...and THERE....(STOP...It says and THERE...MEANING...WHEN YOU GET THERE...TO THIS LAND...WHAT DOES IT SAY? KEEP READING....YOU SHALL BE SOLD.... unto YOUR ENEMIES....(STOP...was your people Not Sold unto their Enemies? Was they not sold as Bondmen and Bondwomen=slaves? Of course....Keep reading).... for bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shall BUY you. Hmm No Man shall Buy You? What does this mean? No man shall Buy you. Remember it said we was going to be SOLD...but then it says no man was gonna buy cleary we know this word Buy has to mean something else. According to Leviticus 25:47-49 if you became poor...and wanted to sell yourself as a servant...or if was a Bondman or Bondwoman (slave) your kinfolks could Buy aka Redeem you back....after you worked off enough money you could redeem yourself out of could also buy your freedom back etc. Now when you read Deuteronomy 28 according to verses 15 and verse 45 these curses was placed upon the Children of Israel aka Israelites for Breaking the commandments. So verse 68 when it says And There you shall be SOLD to your Enemies as bondmen and bondwomen (slaves) and NO MAN..NO MAN...SHALL BUY.....YOU... The Israelites understood this VERY WELL. Moses made it CLEAR That...THIS TIME YOU was going to be SOLD to your ENEMIES. NOT SOLD TO STRANGERS, OR RELATIVES....NOT SOLD TO YOUR FRIENDS...BUT...SOLD TO YOUR ENEMIES...ENEMIES...PEOPLE WHO HATE YOU.....Read Leviticus 25:38-55 to get a better understanding on Buy aka Redeem aka Save....for time sake im making this clear as possible for you.... So Again our ancestors knew what Moses meant when he said no man shall Buy you. They knew that it mean No man shall redeem you. What does Redeem mean? It means to Buy Back which means to SAVE THEM. So Moses was making it Clear to them...This time NO MAN WAS GONE SAVE YOU AFTER YOUR SOLD TO YOUR ENEMIES... NOW LETS READ DEUTERONOMY 28:68 again...with the understanding... Deuteronomy 28:68 And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt (SLAVERY) again...WITH SHIPS..., by the way whereof I spake unto thee, Thou shalt see it NO MORE AGAIN...: and THERE.... ye shall be SOLD unto YOUR ENEMIES... for bondmen and bondwomen, .....and NO MAN...shall BUY (Save) YOU. When you look on the back of $1 bill you see Pyramids right? What place in the world do you think of when you see that symbol on the dollar bill?....Egypt...this IS THE NEW house of Bondage. Why you think all in DC its laid out like Egypt? Face it....The Ugly Truth is....The ones who Taught us the Holy Bible was the Very people who ENSLAVED your people. Common sense tells you. If they didnt Treat you Right. They didnt Teach you Right. Your Pastors go to the very schools that was set up to Keep us Blind from This Fact. Then You go Following behind the Teachings of Slave Master Reynolds. Then you get upset when People like me Tell you The Truth.... (Galatians 4:16) says... Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? You want to know More? Watch the video under this Post….and if you share this Post...Copy and Past the Link to my video..and put it in the Comments...Many of you share the post...but when you do that....the VIDEO...DOES NOT Follow just because you share the post...You have to copy and paste the Link after sharing it...Shalom (Part 1) (Part 2)
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 19:38:16 +0000

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