ATTENTION BIGOTS!!! . For the past six years we’ve had the - TopicsExpress


ATTENTION BIGOTS!!! . For the past six years we’ve had the opportunity to watch the ravages of cognitive dissonance at work. All your lives conservatives have been basing your self-esteem on the delusion that you are superior because you were born White. Now Barack Obama, and many others, have come along to completely destroy the delusion that has brought you so much comfort over the centuries, and its just too much for your racist nature to take. So its, LITERALLY, driving you crazy. . You were able to maintain your myth of superiority for so long because an individual’s intelligence is focused on adapting to their environment. So when Africans were taken away from their environment and brought to this strange land, naturally we seemed out of place and clueless - so you laughed at us, pointing to our disorientation as stupid. . Then when you began to recognize our true intelligence while we were in bondage, you began to engage in what seems to come to you so naturally - you began to do to our culture what you’re currently doing to President Obama as an individual - engage in obstructionism, by making it a crime to teach a Black person to read. . Thereafter, your worst fears were confirmed when slaves began to escape and educate themselves. Frederick Douglass was a case in point. In spite of being deprived of the great academies of learning of his time, Frederick Douglass escaped from bondage, educated himself, and went on to become one of the great writers, orators, and brilliant intellectuals of his time. He rubbed shoulders with presidents and kings, and became a valued advisor to President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, and to other presidents thereafter. . In 1852 - nine years BEFORE the Civil War; back when even nice White folks would lynch a Black man if given sufficient cause - when asked what he thought of the nation’s Independence Day celebrations, he came straight from the shoulder, and without any hesitation or equivocation. He said, Your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are, to Him [the slave], mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy - a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages! . So what we have in Douglass is a handsome, suave, and debonair Black man, living in pre-Civil War America, yet, had the knowledge and intellect to command enough respect to live life the way he saw fit. He counseled the President of the United States, he dated who he felt like dating, Black or White - because, since you are what you think, Douglass considered his brothers and sisters all those who THOUGHT like he did - and he faced down a White supremacist society eyeball-to-eyeball without flinchin’ an eyelash, and he had no posse, and no crew. It was just Douglass, his manhood, his intellect, and the fierce determination in his eye - but obviously, that was enough. . That is the Black man that you conservatives fear, and are desperately trying to contain with all of their obstructionism, corruption, and brutality; and that is the Black man that every Black parent should be just as desperately trying to forge in every Black child in America. For, when you look at the intelligence, knowledge, and fierce determination in Douglass’ eyes, you’re looking into eyes that will look upon freedom, justice, and equality. . So dont you think for a moment that youre jumping up-and-down about Obamas incompetence is fooling anybody in America but yourself, as evidenced by the last election. We all know whats going on - including the majority of White people. . Youre in absolute misery, and were taking great pleasure in watching your agony, because we know why youre ACTUALLY screaming. Youre not screaming over Obamas alleged corruption or incompetence; youre screaming in agony over having the hell beat out of you with your own bat, and its an absolutely exhilarating thing to watch. . So consider this a teaching moment, Professor Henschel, and take special note of the bludgeoning below. Youre severely out-classed - not because youre White, but because youre White and failed to prepare yourself for reality. Its a new day, and what’s actually causing you so much distress is having to witnessing the dying gasp of Jim Crow. . youtube/watch?v=KGd_gLBTvsg
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 16:19:25 +0000

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