**ATTENTION GREEN ROOM MEMBERS READ THIS RIGHT AWAY YOUR WELL BEING DEPENDS ON IT** I am writing this post in hope that a lot of good people dont get harmed. I have always done things from the heart and it is always my goal to leave a positive impact on the world. After what I have discovered last night I feel frustrated, disappointed, manipulated, used and downright enraged! By making this statement I have nothing to gain other than I hope that it will save many people from destruction. I have worked countless hours since my return to TGRA to find that I was unknowingly helping a scam artist sucker people and funnel them into something that is way too good to be true. I have seen a lot of people point out the fact that Pastor Tony is scam artist and yet I gave him the benefit of the doubt. What led me to start questioning his legitimacy finally? I took a look at the grand scheme of things and realized that what is going down in the Global Mind Trading Group doesnt add up. First of all the broker ForexBrokerInc is based out of Cyprus. What does that mean? It means that it is not regulated because any brokerage outside of the U.S. that accepts U.S. clients by law cant be regulated! Why is this significant to whats happening? You are trading against the broker not a real currency exchange (same as any overseas binary options broker). Casino style. Now if that doesnt worry you enough this should. If all these people are making 1 million + from a brokerage do you really think that brokerage is going to pay out that kind of money? There are currently over 300+ in the global mind trading group. You really think that the broker can pay out half a billion dollars? I doubt their company is worth even a quarter of that. I even brought this up to Jamal and you know what his response was? He said well worry about it when we get there! Wasnt it Jamal who said that this broker was regulated? On top of that Pastor Tony wants you to deposit all your earnings into a trust account. Why a trust account? Because thats the easiest type of account for someone other than you to take your money away!!! I had a detailed background check done on Pastor Tony aka Anthony B Fisher using the phone number he has given to everyone. What I discovered shocked me. The background check includes Tax Liens placed on Anthony B Fisher. It shows all the addresses he has lived at and currently lives at. I google mapped each and every one of them and used the street view tool to find that all his addresses were apartments in low income neighborhoods. The report also includes everything that is in his name such as cars and real estate which revealed he owns nothing! I invite you to due your own due diligence by looking it up for yourself using his telephone number 216-538-5101. All you have to do is go to checkpeople and you can see for yourself. Another thing that was a red flag was the fact that Pastor Tony said he was going to teach everyone for free. Then he pulled the whole bait and switch move. He funneled several TGRA members into the Global Mind Trading group and had one of his new leaders announce that there will now be a membership fee. Now I see no problem with charging people when you are going to teach them how to make a million, however didnt he say hes a man of his word and that he would teach everyone for free? AND on top of that I know he has made a pretty coin off of the broker deposits from ForexBrokerINC (He sent everyone to an affiliate link). What makes for the best scam? Owning the hearts and minds of the people you are scamming. He uses religion and tells everyone to come up with humanitarian projects and gives them health advice so they truly believe that he has their best interest. These are the most heartless and evil tactics any man could use. He is very persuasive and intelligent and he is using his talents to manipulate other people. I know a lot of you have families and are struggling already and it kills me to know that you are putting all your hope and belief into someone that wants to suck the life out of you. I came back to the Green Room Academy to help people and to turn things around. I have failed everyone. I put in all that hard work only to find out that I was unknowingly helping someone take peoples hard earned money. I truly care about the Green Room Academy community and I couldnt live with myself knowing whats really happening and to step away in silence! If you have money in these accounts take it out ASAP! Request a withdrawal. If the broker doesnt want to pay you out. Get with your credit card company and dispute the charge. I am resigning from the Green Room Academy as of today Oct. 7th 2014. Im going to solely focus on trading and my passion for music. Sincerely, Dallas Orr
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:37:41 +0000

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