ATTN: COMMUNITY CHURCH ORANGE - IN NEED OF LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... In Port Arthur, I was honored to be a part of the LOVE Lunchsack Ministry led by Shilo Carr Herrington. We brought lunches and LOVE to the people of the streets after church. As I drive around Orange, I see where we can duplicate it here easily (unfortunately). We CAN make a difference, friends. How do we do it? We bring simple lunches out in brown bags with red hearts drawn on the bag. Initially, we will just simply ask can we bless you with a lunch? We wont limit it to the homeless but anyone that may be sitting on there porch or walking on the street and look as if they could use a helping hand or a loving gesture. All God needs is a once a month commitment to do this. We will leave Community Church Orange together after service. We will give you time to change into more comfortable clothes with a LLM t-shirt if you so desire. Then, after we deliver about 20 lunches which can take 1/2 hour to 1 1/2, we will return to the parking lot. We also fast our own lunch until weve fed our friends. And, folks, it takes about $1, yes one dollar to feed a person a lunch, so if you are moved to give - $80 will take care of two months for we will go out twice a month. Yes, $80 but any amount will be appreciated. Please message me if you are interested. We will plan an orientation meeting with Shilo at the church at a Wednesday dinner (tba). Thanks in advance!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 16:20:20 +0000

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