AYO ORITSEJAFOR MINISTRIES Daily Devotional AUGUST 18 YOUR INHERITANCE IN CHRIST "That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world" (Ephesians 2:12) Jesus gave a parable of inheritance. There was a certain man that had two sons; the prodigal son and his brother. The prodigal son who was the second son, knew that he had an inheritance, he was not a novice. There are many Christians who do not know that they have an inheritance in Christ. They go to church but they do not know, they live a defeated Christian life. They never seem to get the victory, they struggle all the time, when the rain of blessing falls, they backslide, when the flood of problem attacks them they fall on their face, when the wind of adversity comes it blows them away, because they do not know their father and they do not know their inheritance in Christ. They go about life struggling. Somebody told me a story about a lady who lived in Chicago, America, died of starvation but after her death, they found that she had an inheritance in the bank worth millions of dollars but she died of starvation. Many Christians are living their lives without knowing their inheritance. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law that through Him the blessing of Abram becomes our inheritance. If you are a child of God you have an inheritance. What is this inheritance? Your inheritance is the blessing of Abraham. Abraham blessings are yours, so for every blessing that Abraham had, put your name there, claim it and live it. Abraham lived long. Your inheritance does not include young death and ill health. Abraham lived an old life that means he was an healthy man, when sickness attacks your body remember that your inheritance does not include sickness and command it in the name of Jesus to leave. Abraham was blessed materially, if any voice tells you are meant to live poor, refuse it because your inheritance does not include poverty. PRAYER/CONFESSION: In the name of Jesus, there is no sickness, poverty, failure, sorrow , etc in my inheritance so in the name of Jesus, I command every sickness in my body, job, destiny, business, children, father, mother to disappear now by Fire. Begin to pray in the name of Jesus. FURTHER READING: Luke 15:11-32 WORDS OF WISDOM: You cannot have what you do not know.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 16:09:07 +0000

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