AZTECS STARTED IN WISCONSIN – EXCERPT FROM ‘REVELATIONS: TRUTHS REVEALED’ BY MARY SUTHERLAND Purchase this book via AZTECS STARTED IN WISCONSIN - In response to Obadiah Robert Robinsons comment that they never came this far north. In writing my books, I try to find sources that have been ‘lost in time’, and reintroduce them to the modern reader. Here is something that came out of my book “Revelations…Truths Revealed”. Chapter Six Ancient Miners “Look for the country of Aztalan, the original country of the Aztecs, as high up at least as the 42nd parallel north; whence journeying, they at last arrived in the vale of Mexico. In that vale the earthen mounds of the far north became the elegant stone pyramidal and other structures whose remains are now found” H.P. Blavatsky The Megalith Builders (4500-1500 B.C.) were a race of people erased from our history, who had achieved knowledge of the sciences far superior to ours today. Traces of their culture in the Americas can be found in the stone structures they left behind during the Bronze Age. Approximately 3,000 B.C. mining operations began at Tyranena, an area near Lake Mills, Wisconsin. This became one of the bases of operation for the early Tyranenian miners and traders of copper mined in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. From Tyranena, the traders traveled the Rock River to the Mississippi River and then down to the Gulf of Mexico. The Tyranenian ceased mining operations around 1200 B.C. and left the area. Before leaving they flooded the site, creating a lake to protecting their secrets and dead left behind. According to the lunar date given in Plato’s dialogues and the Egyptian records, Atlantis was destroyed in the month of the Goddess Hathor, which corresponds to November 1198 B.C. date App, known approximately 900 A.D. Aztec astronomer-priests and their miners again established a point camp, at the abandoned Tyranenian settlement. Naming the settlement Aztalan, it became a center for their intercontinental copper trade. Around 1300 A.D. they ceased operations and moved southwards to Mexico. According to Baron Humboldt, when the Spaniards overran Mexico it was inhabited by a people known as the “Azteekin” or “Aztekas” who were usurpers that came from a country in the north known as Aztalan. Its location was north of the forty second degree of north latitude. He further mentioned hieroglyphs or pictures in the Mexican and Azteka manuscript which depicts this migration. Frank Joseph, author of “The Lost Pyramids of Rock Lake” explains that “Ataka” is an Egyptian linguistic inflection of the Atlanteans’ original name for Michigan’s Upper Pennisula. The prefix “At” was often used to designate Atlantean holdings. Pharoah Ramses mentions “foundries” which suggests that large scale mining operations existed throughout the Upper Great Lakes area. After the Atlanteans (sea people) were defeated and captured by Ramses, they divulged the location of the copper sources in North America. The Egyptian ships then ventured a transatlantic crossing. He does not indicate any trade negotiations or military operations in Ataka, but simple seizure of the vast amounts of copper, as though there was no one there with whom to barter or fight. Red Haired Basques: According to an article in the November 1948 issue of Atlantis, Dr P L Collignon’s hypothesis is that the Rhesus negative (Rh Negative) Basques were one of many groups of refugees from Atlantis. Archaeologist Sykes, stated in an article he wrote on Blood Groupings in the July 1959 issue of New World Antiquity that the Rhesus negative factor was introduced into Europe thousands of years ago by a migrating people. Although we find a small percentage of Rh-negative people spread through Europe, we find a high percentage among the Basques, the Albanians and Gaunches of the Canary or Fortunate Islands and Egypt. Aztalan’s ancient miners’ veneration of the dog links them to the people of the Canary Islands and Egypt. The root CAN is a derivative of the word CAIN OR CANAAN and is Latin for DOG (CAN-ite) After the early Romans made their first visit to the Islands in the Second Century B C,they began calling the natives ‘dog people’ due to their worship of the Dog---thus the name CAN ary Islands. This type of worship mirrors the Egyptian veneration of ANUBIS, the dog headed god who led the souls from the material world , through the veil, into the after life. In the Egyptian City of Cynoplis (Dog City) tens of thousands of mummified dogs were found buried. According to the Algonquian tribes, “The Great Serpent” always comes up the Mississippi searching for copper, for which it had an enormous appetite (ref: L. Taylor Hansen) In the Navajo children ceremony a masked figure wears a red wig and a horned helmet accompanied by a woman with her face painted white. They represent the couple who survived the Great Flood and remind the children of their ancestral origin.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 20:30:08 +0000

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