About a year ago, I lost a lot of so-called Nursing Friends. You - TopicsExpress


About a year ago, I lost a lot of so-called Nursing Friends. You know, the kind who never spoke to me once I lost my job secondary to cardiac illness. You know the kind. The ones that contacted me the day I posted something offensive to them, even though they have not contacted me since the day I became sick. You know, the ones who swear I am their best mentor, yet have failed to contact me in over 2000 days. You know the kind. Today is my annual reflection on that day. That day was the day when a Nursing Colleague said I (MOI) was a LEECH on Americas Society , because I was collecting Social Security Disability. I had had just about enough of that craziness coming from a SC Teabagger Nurse and I just lost it. I said two sentences, which at that time, resulted in my shame for my response and my shame for loosing some Nursing Friends that I had LOVED. Before I go any further, I need clarification from anyone out there willing to share. Why is it OKAY for a man to say Suck My D**k ? Why is it OKAY for a man to say, Eat Sh*t? Yet, when a woman says the exact same thing, it is repulsive and offensive? I opine it is because women do not have a d**k and women NEVER EVER eat sh*t. However, that shared you may already know where this is headed. I do not have a d**k and I stay so constipated, no one could ever eat my s**t. So, I compromised. I told my NURSING colleague to Suck my c**t and to suck my constipated S**t . Come on. Men can say it, but women cannot? Regardless, it was never about what one gender vs another gender can publicly say. It was ALWAYS about a NURSING COLLEAGUE who considered a cardiac compromised patient, a LEECH on Americas Society?. I have to admit. I felt down right guilty for my response, but that was ONE YEAR ago. Ask me. Ask me now How do you feel about your comments, Robin? I feel DAMN GOOD about offending a NURSE who claims to be an advocate to all patients regardless of financial needs. I feel DAMN GOOD I told her what to s**k and what to eat, because she was more full of what I was offering her, she probably never knew the difference. So, for those Nurses who were offended.......how many other patients have you cared for who are Leeches on Americas Society? BTW, when did you last call me? ~~
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 23:18:00 +0000

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