About the Armenian issue with Egyptian writer Samir - TopicsExpress


About the Armenian issue with Egyptian writer Samir Elephant Atta Dergham .................................................. ............................ 1 - What is your idea of the Armenians, and whether you friends of the Armenians ...? I honestly do not have friends Armenians unfriendly and one from Syria, exchange of thought and opinion, and I respect very much. I also know that some of the Armenians during their stay in Egypt may have contributed to the building of the civilization of modern hand in hand with the Egyptians in the various activities of the life of art and photography, cinema, architecture and comics. Through my reading I knew that Muhammad Ali Pasha had used the Armenians in the modernization of the state in the affairs of private banking and commerce, and was the most prominent of Nubar Pasha, the Prime Minister. With time Tmusr most Armenians, or integrated into the community and participated in the process of modernization, especially in the field of trade, banking and journalism, and still some Armenian churches built in some cities of the country of Egypt. Perhaps there was of my generation who remember the names of particular contributed to the broadcast delight in Egyptian life such as personal Alexander rockets cartoonist, one of the pioneer generation, and Ohan Justinian, a professional photographer, and singer Anushka, the actress small turquoise that participated in some movies Anwar and grandfather, as well as all of the Lebleba and Nelly. .................................................. ...................... 2 - How to follow the Armenian issue ......? Through printed Arik Btabatha Arab, I receive on my address down, and follow through which the Armenian cultural affairs, the more time facilitator for that. .................................................. ............. 3 - Do you expect that Turkey recognizes the Armenian Genocide .....? I would imagine that the Turkish government will not recognize this issue because this is condemned internationally as it may impose appropriate compensation, which is not currently eligible to pay those bills. .................................................. ........... 4 - Trey ... Is Turkeys recognition of the Armenian Genocide will make her a member of the European Union ...? Turkey has long been impossible to do to join the European Union, but in my opinion will not make the move unless compelled under economic pressures and specific. .................................................. ............ 5 - Do you expect to increase the number of countries that will recognize the Armenian Genocide ..? Depends States to recognize the subject according to the mechanism by which the acquisition of new land to the issue as well as the escalation of the recognition of human rights organizations, and the fact that the Ottoman Empire had been left Eartha heavy work governments Turkish secularism get rid of it, except to acknowledge what he considers the Armenian genocide and considers the Turkish attempts to displace according to the conditions of a military sees the need in this course. .................................................. .......... 6 - Tri-Matti ... Turkey will recognize the Armenian Genocide ..? May be a long time until the government comes to recognize that such errors against humanity. .................................................. ... 7 - How the world will receive a percentage of genocide ................? I think that the Internet and the growth of information and the acceleration of technology has made dealing with this issue need, humanitarian and historic Ann. .................................................. ..... 8 - How to deal with the memory of the Armenian Genocide in percentage ...? Im not a full-time political work. Enough for me to deal with such events through the act of writing the narrative. .................................................. . 9 - What do you represent the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide ..? The psychological impact left by Vick .....? Attention has not been ordered to Unaudited a few years ago, and any attempts to exterminate the ethnic reject human nature is not acceptable to normal, and I think that the conscience of the writer stands along the line against this frightening behavior. .................................................. 10 - what you dream of the Armenian issue in the centennial .....? I wish I could take any oppressed right as long as this injustice was real and documented. This is the same thing that I hope for the victims of the people of Palestine, who faced the plight of dispossession and exile and marginalization. To sum up, I align myself to man everywhere, anytime, I can not find a justification for exclusion in accordance with the religion, race, nationality or color. This is a principled life, which is what the reader finds in the outlying groups that translate some of the English and French. .................................................. Samir elephant Egyptian writer. .................................................. Source Civilized dialogue - Issue Number: 4516 - 2014/7/18
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 08:43:48 +0000

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