About the Lords Prayer, since I discovered the relationship of the - TopicsExpress


About the Lords Prayer, since I discovered the relationship of the Lords Prayer with the Exodus of Israelites, the Wilderness where they died, was also experienced by Jesus. His 40 days instead of 40 years is echoed, and Satan is there once again. And do not lead us into temptation,But deliver us from the evil one. That is in direct reference to Jesus attack and also, the evil that the people did the whole time with Moses. When the Israelites got to the Promised Land, but were afraid of what they saw, they didnt trust God for their Gift once again. The people there also worshipped other gods, (demons) and they chose to be double minded. First they didnt want to go, made God angry, then decided after hearing the result of their disobedience and disbelief, tried to take the land by themselves and were driven way back into the Wilderness. This leading isnt on Gods Goodness, rather on His Judgment.( I wish I had my brain to myself today, but the crappers are being a definite problem today. ) Jesus is our Gift. Jesus was in death that Sabbath long ago, resting in death. Death and sickness is connected to sin. So does that mean if you have sickness you have sin? Why yes it does. Jesus knew this simple fact. The Fall of Man happened and when it did, the innocent paid the blood price with a covering for Adam and Eve, the blood being the price of the ransom. Christs blood when He was crucified, cleansed our sins if we believe in His Gift. So does that mean you are a bad person if you are sick or born sick? No. What did Jesus have to say about that to a blind man, whose poor parents were being blamed for his blindness. Jesus was holy and divine and still had to have people who were desparately seeking healing before He could heal. Jesus told the disciples who were trying to cast out a demon from a child, that very difficult cases, needed fasting and prayer. Not Religious doctrines and law. By the very fact that as long as we live, our bodies cease being able to replicate cells correctly and over a long time, mutations develop. So in essence, we die a little every day. Gods Gift of the Sabbath was for our welfare and our relationship with Him. He is our Creator, and as bad as that is for some humans to handle, it is fact. The situation in the Exodus and the refusal of the Gift of the Sabbath, would be echoed down the line, and Jesus would be refused also. If you look at that first Sabbath, that those who would not trust God for their feast on Sabbath, the manna was full of death and decay, resounds in the Resurrection of our Lord Christ. Those who would not or will not trust God for their Salvation, will not come into the Rest of God and Christ, which is in Heaven. They are like the Israelites who were double minded about the Promised Land, trying to have Heaven here and Heaven with God, The Saviour and the Holy Spirit. Does this mean that life has to be so awful and ugly here? No, if everyone truly loved God, we would act better, think better, there would be no war, no hatred, no homeless and no hunger. Sickness and death, yes, because we still have these temporary homes, our earthly bodies.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:51:26 +0000

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