About the United Nations ability to legally help indigenous people - TopicsExpress


About the United Nations ability to legally help indigenous people world wide? There are still long ways to go, to say the least. Legally, the UN is very slow, has no teeth, and falls short in representing our wide range of causes. The tribes and people are given 4 minutes to make statements basicially describing the effects of colonization, how their governments and corporations have done wrong, how it affects them today and offer recomendations on how to fix it. The UN needs to be decolonized, thats for sure, because the whole process just puts you to sleep. Lots of head nods and formal proceedures with the kings english and proceedings. We must never give up hope though. The UNDRIP was a win. However we need more than a declaration, we need action. I still believe the UN is important to attend. Aside from it being a very rewarding educational experience for me, It helps get the message out internationally to other indigenous people, organizations, the general public, and people in high level positions who could assist in our struggles. The tribes go down on official UN record speaking up for the land in the hopes the UN will pressure countries to change their policies in regards to indigenous people. Media is present and it is a great chance to get the message out internationally. My mom spoke to Aljazeera and NPR about Winnemem Wintu sacred sites protection. I got interviewed by Cultrual Survival and made it on a few video clips. Perhaps the most important thing about it is the connections you make with other indigenous people fighting in the trenches. You learn the issues, share that passion and fire to keep us motivated to fight, share strategy, and learn of opportunities to collaborate. The connections made are priceless. Truly beautful warrior people attend. Im totally inspired to keep going in a bigger way. Last but not least you get closer with your family and those you travel with as you learn to navigate different environments together. We all know the true meaning of a New York minute now. Overall, it is very worth attending. It has taught me to think internationally.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 00:52:54 +0000

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