About the sickle cell trait and football study: Yesterday I - TopicsExpress


About the sickle cell trait and football study: Yesterday I communicated with a sickle cell trait football player who told me why he thinks we have not gotten participants for our study: If the player is in high school or college, he is afraid that if the word gets out that he is sickle cell trait, he will not be recruited by a college of professional team. I am sorry because I was not clear enough about this issue. So, I will address this issue here: the participants’ anonymity is 100% guaranteed. I am trying to recruit you because I need your information, but the study is not about you. We are asking you to fill out a survey about your symptoms (or lack of) and to obtain a sample from inside your mind with a q-tip. The person who will do the genetic test will not know the name of the person who donated the sample. The clinician who will review the survey will not know whose survey it is. Study participants will not know the results of his own tests. It will be impossible for an insurance company, a college or an NFL team to get your results because they will not be released. Moreover, after the data are analyzed we will delete all computer files containing the data, we will destroy the samples and we will shred the paper surveys. Therefore, it is impossible for the study to be used in any way to harm you. We need participants because we need to know how different SCT football players react to the physical work of the sport. We need data from people who had problems and people who did not have health problems. We still need dozens of participants to be able to document the extent to which some sickle cell trait players have reacted negatively to the sport, and we need to find out what makes these people different from players who have not reacted negatively. I am asking you to consider that several sickle cell trait college players have died and we do not know why. This study is going to be the first attempt to explain these deaths. Please help us to solve these deaths and hopefully prevent more.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 00:55:41 +0000

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