According to the Vaccine Industry, material extracted from a human - TopicsExpress


According to the Vaccine Industry, material extracted from a human fetus aborted during the first trimester “does not and cannot form a complete organism and does not constitute a potential human being”. When a human life is cut short in utero, then reduced to “minced (meat) preparations of tissue in a Petri dish”…”torn apart with two pairs of forceps until the pieces could no longer conveniently be grasped and shredded”, labelled as “cell strains (which) do not and cannot form a complete organism and do not constitute a potential human being”, all in the name of scientific progress, you know something is definitely wrong with the ethical parameters supporting Modern Medical research. Aborted human fetal (Diploid Cell) tissue is found in the Rubella portion of the MMR Vaccine formula – Note: ‘the Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts (Aborted Human Fetal Tissue).’ Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine (series 1st round given at 12-15 months old) – Official Package Insert: ‘M-M-R II is a sterile lyophilized preparation of (1) ATTENUVAX* (Measles Virus Vaccine Live), a more attenuated line of measles virus, derived from Enders’ attenuated Edmonston strain and propagated in chick embryo cell culture; (2) MUMPSVAX* (Mumps Virus Vaccine Live), the Jeryl Lynn** (B level) strain of mumps virus propagated in chick embryo cell culture; and (3) MERUVAX* II (Rubella Virus Vaccine Live)…,‘ In case you missed that reference: ‘the Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts.’ For those of you still in doubt, meet WI-38. WI-38 came from lung cells from a female fetus of 3-months (terminated during the 1st Trimester) gestation: ‘Minced preparations were obtained by cutting the tissue in a Petri dish containing GM (growth medium) with paired scalpels or a scissors until the size of each piece approximated l-4 mm3. Fragmented preparations were obtained by tearing apart the tissue with two pairs of forceps in a Petri dish containing GM until the pieces could no longer conveniently be grasped and shredded. The entire contents of the dish were emptied into one or more Pyrex Blake bottles (surface area 100 cmZ), depending on the size of the original starting tissue. The fragmented lungs, for example, from a three-month-old human fetus were usually placed in four Blake bottles. Treatment of tissue with trypsin was done, in general, according to the method of Fernandes.‘ ‘The WI-38 and MRC-5 cell cultures have been used to prepare hundreds of millions of doses of (following) vaccines – rubella (third component of the MMR series, administered in 2 doses, first at 12 months old), hepatitis A (administered in 2 doses, first at 12 months old), varicella (chickenpox, administered in 2 doses, first at 12 months old) and rabies (administered selectively pending rabies-related emergency).‘ National Network for Immunization Information Consequently, the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Vaccine is laced with the contaminated remains of two aborted human fetuses – surface liquid extracted from a Rubella virus-infected kidney (RA 27/3) combined with intrauterine-infected lung tissue from a second fetus (WI-38). ‘Thus, rising autistic disorder prevalence is directly related to vaccines manufactured using human fetal cell lines.‘ Note: Preliminary testing of the Frankenstein concoction was conducted upon “institutionalized children“, who were force-vaccinated, to observe the results – another crime against the innocent & defenceless, swept under the carpet by an Industry bent on greed & profits. Some in the community are still reluctant to admit they’ve been lied to for generations by so-called Government appointed health authorities. There is no safe threshold for any vaccines, whatsoever. VRM: Vaccines Do Contain Aborted Human Fetal Tissue
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 01:03:29 +0000

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