Across the country public service unions are under unprecedented - TopicsExpress


Across the country public service unions are under unprecedented attack by mostly Republican politicians. In light of continuing attempts to deny pay increases to the hard-working people who pick up our trash, clean our streets, educate our children, and police our streets it is the height of cynicism for our Republican-controlled County legislature to seek to tie their raises, along with those of top elected officials and their political appointees, to the hard-fought gains of those they condemn as freeloaders and public parasites while not pay a penny in union dues. It is this sort of unethical, and possibly illegal, behavior that makes people distrust their government. County Executive Preston should stand up and clearly oppose this measure, vetoing it if necessary. If she fails to do so, she will have utterly failed do faithfully execute her duties.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:33:31 +0000

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