Addendum to the last post: I should have said, you all are awesome - TopicsExpress


Addendum to the last post: I should have said, you all are awesome at interacting on here; I didnt mean to imply that you werent already doing a great job of liking and commenting as it is. Facebook has a feature for pages called Insights, where you can compare your performance to other pages on Facebook. Its meant to entice you to buy ads out of jealousy. I like qualitative measures of anything, so I do check it, and we have far more engagement than any of our competitors. If you divide clicks and things by a pages likes, you get a meaningful ratio. Our engagement ratio is always at least 15% -- this week its 29% because we did a Critique of the Week. The Poetry Foundations is 2%. Paris Reviews is 7%. Tin Houses is 6%. I only like picking on the big guys, but I track ten of them, and thats all typical. (Bare Fiction is the only one that always matches us -- maybe you should follow them, too, they must be doing something right!) So you folks are very engaged, and I really appreciate it. Thats the thing, though: even though its clear you like the antics on here better than other pages, and even though you signed up for it, and even though were not actually selling anything, Facebook doesnt care. Also, I seemed to imply that I dont use Facebook ads -- for the record, I do occasionally boost calls for submissions posts, and its a great way to reach a highly targeted audience. For the New Yorker Poets deadline, I directed an ad at people who liked poetry or mfa and lived within a few miles of NYC. For $50, we reached 34,000 people and received several hundred submissions. I was essentially paying to give myself more work, but it works very well for that kind of thing. If they werent burying our unpaid posts to try to extort more money, Id be very happy with them. Anyway, I just wanted to say, thanks for being so active with us. You rock! Do people still say that?
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 04:59:40 +0000

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