Adilson Samuel Eric Raju Ahnaf Habib Gianni Marcello One of the - TopicsExpress


Adilson Samuel Eric Raju Ahnaf Habib Gianni Marcello One of the most important insights I ever had the good fortune to come across…. “The scientific worldview grew up in West between 1500 and 1750 largely due to mystics who were known as hermeticists. This hermetic scientific revolution saw theology as it’s enemy, and there was no conflict between hermeticism and science. They were both based on experiment to find what happens when you do this, and they were both opposed to the authority of the church. Shortly after 1600, this began to split and the hermetic tradition faded into the background, and we developed for the first time in history a science that had absolutely no connection with anything except pure reason. The hermetic tradition was that there is no such thing as pure reason - you’ve got to first work on your own perceiving apparatus to correct your prejudices, and the scientist is not separate from what the scientist observes, and the general yogic attitude that “you are the master who makes the grass green.” Western science lost that insight and from Newton onwards we had the idea that is doesn’t matter who are, if you follow scientific procedure you’ll find the truth. This began to break down after 1900 due to Sigmund Fraud, who pointed out that even scientists are human beings and may have neurosis, and that scientific theories may be elaborate rationalizations for neurosis, and the influence of Carl Marx who pointed out that no matter what you’re theorizing about it’s a mirror of your economic status and what your economic goals are. And then anthropologists started coming back with reports about alternative reality tunnels showing that no matter what reality tunnel you live in the world will organize itself in your perceptions to be compatible with that reality tunnel. So science began to have data to look at science itself critically. That’s how intelligence increases, when intelligence looks at intelligence and criticizes intelligence. So we got to the point where we could look at science and say “Science is the product of people. People are doing this, and their prejudices are getting into it”. And it’s not just enough to say “I will be objective.” You’ve got to learn to change yourself from the inside out before you can even approximate towards objectivity.” – Robert Anton Wilson
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:28:07 +0000

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