Adjustments in the upper cervical area cause massive stimulation - TopicsExpress


Adjustments in the upper cervical area cause massive stimulation into the cerebellum due to changes in proprioceptive and mechanoreceptors. So if there is subluxation in the upper cervical, the feedback system into the cerebellum is diminished and therefore the fore-brain and as well primitive brain are diminished in function and abnormal responses to sensory input. The cognitive function of the brain is then processing poor or incomplete date and therefore the individual is not behaving normally as there is a loss of internal perception to the environment. This includes anyone we know and meet, and therefore almost everybody on the planet is in someway or somehow neurologically disabled from subluxation. Another reason to check everybody and clear them of interference to the nervous system. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1976 Brain function in epilepsy: Midbrain, medullary, and cerebellar interaction with the rostral forebrain. Forebrain Seizural Transmission Sites: Hippocampus and amygdala to the septal region These forebrain seizural sites have a large number of anatomical synaptic connections to the cerebellum, subcortical nuclei, and brain stem. Demonstrated strong rationale for the use of cerebellar stimulation as a treatment for epilepsy Biological Psychiatry 1982 Cerebellar Vermal Atrophy in Psychiatric Patient’s Studies indicated a high number of patients who have functional psychosis (50%) and or seizures (38%) show cerebellar vermal atrophy on visual inspection of CAT in contrast to other disorders or in comparison to the anatomy of the normal brain. We postulate that the cerebellar vermal atrophy reduces the cerebellum’s inhibitory influences on the activity of the rostral forebrain causing forebrain over activity. This over activity has been correlated with emotional dyscontrol and clinical seizures. In addition this cerebellar vermal atrophy reduces facilitory activity of the brain’s pleasure system (septal region)
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 14:34:20 +0000

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