Admins Note (Politics): Kafulafuta, Solwezi, Chipata and Mkushi - TopicsExpress


Admins Note (Politics): Kafulafuta, Solwezi, Chipata and Mkushi North by-elections Congratulations to the four (4) winners of the by-elections that took place on Thursday 25th July 2013 in Kafulafuta, Solwezi, Chipata and Mkushi. Let us start by congratulating Brian Chitafu for a race well ran and a victory deserved. The campaign team led by Gomery Kosamu did a tremendous job of ensuring this victory. Let me also congratulate Villie Lombanya for a job well done. The people of Solwezi east have chosen a man who, without doubt, will deliver the much desired results for the constituency. The team led by Ambassador Mulondwe Muzungu deserves a pat on the back. As for Winter Libbohole, as we mentioned to Eularia Mwale who was our candidate in Luangwa. Your work has just started. You might have lost the battle but the war rages on, until 2016 when the general elections take place, you have your work cut out. UPND shall forever be etched in the minds of the people of Mkushi North because of you. Let us continue with the momentum you have built during this election, UPND until now was virtually a small dot on the political map of Mkushi North, but your efforts have made the party strong during these elections. Hon Clive Miyanda who was the campaign manager, you did your part, and ultimately the people decided. We shall respect the people’s choice. To all of the UPND sympathisers, we are grateful for your contributions in so many ways. The Members of Parliament, the Secretariat and friends of the party, we are humbled and very grateful for the job well done. Our gratitude is much more than what we can express in words. May we also take this opportunity to congratulate Mtolo Phiri, the winner in Chipata Central on behalf of MMD. This is a by-election that was taking the same form as the Livingstone by-election. Violence perpetrated by the ruling party was beginning to show its ugly head again. Thanks to the MMD for being magnanimous and mature about their response to various provocations by the ruling party, you averted unnecessary bloodshed. Ms Ingrid Mphande, you ran a good race. This is special victory for the women folk. We are still far from the 30% threshold as agreed in the SADC protocol. We are therefore humbled that Ms Mphande like Eularia Mwale, offered herself to the people of Mkushi North and they have selected her to represent them in Parliament. This should be a victory for not only the people of Mkushi, but the women as well, congratulations madam. For all the new winners, this is a victory for democracy. The house you are headed to is one of the three arms of Government. It plays a key role in ensuring that democracy thrives. This is the only place we have that will ensure that democracy grows to the levels we witness in countries like India, the US and many others. Your responsibility first and foremost is to the people that put you into parliament, you are therefore expected to represent the people adequately. This is a service to the people and not you as individuals; that should be your motivation. The people of Kafulafuta, Solwezi East, Chipata and Mkushi North have spoken that it is time to cross partisan lines and deliver development to these constituencies and the country at large. The politics of who is to blame have ended with the campaign, now the question to ask is, what are we going to do, to make Zambia better? People are faced with frustrations and many social problems, they voted you on the premise that they believe that you can deliver to their expectations. The problems they face are not MMD, PF or UPND challenges, but Zambian challenges. Talking ended on 25th July, now it’s time to act. The people of Zambia are watching with a keen eye, and are ready to give red cards to those that continue talking and not act. Lastly ladies and gentlemen we do not have a perfect electoral system, we are urging the Government to not relent on the electoral reform which was the major promise they made to the people of Zambia. The Government should not relent on the constitution to fix the clauses causing these by-elections. Not only are they a drain in national resources but also affect the productivity of the nation. Thank you very much.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 11:52:37 +0000

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