Advent Devotional Week #3: Star & Wise men Christmas lights, - TopicsExpress


Advent Devotional Week #3: Star & Wise men Christmas lights, shining stars atop the tree, and the brilliance of wisdom are all surpassed by the bright and glorious splendor of TRUTH. There are many who get caught up in the traditions of Christmas instead of being wrapped up in the Truth of Christmas. This week I hope you’ll see the true Christmas Star and like the wise men of old follow it to the Truth. Be like the star and lead others to CHRISTmas by showing them the WAY, telling them the TRUTH, and helping them find real LIFE, IN Christ, the real celebration of Christmas. So, what does Scripture have to say about this star and the wise men that followed it? Let’s read about it in Matthew 2:1-12. (Go ahead, take some time and read it; I’ll wait for you, promise!) I know it’s become cliché but it’s true; “Wise men still seek Him!” These magi [wise men] from the East were members of a priestly caste who were experts in astronomy and astrology. It’s possible they had very little theological knowledge; but may have had a working Old Testament knowledge which had been passed down to them from Daniel the prophet. Regardless of their biblical understanding there is a truth here that A.W. Tozer well states: “A longing soul with scanty theological knowledge is in a better position to meet God than a self-satisfied soul, however deeply instructed in the Scriptures.” Really, Tozer is rephrasing a beatitude of Jesus found in Matthew 5:3; “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” Think about it! These Gentiles from a far land with little exposure to the whole Scripture had more awareness of the Christ-child than those chief priests, high priests, scribes, lawyers, and rulers of the synagogues who were steeped in Scriptures and living in the land where Jesus was born. These were “experts” of the Law and the Prophets; yet the magi had more knowledge of and respect for the One of whom the Law and the Prophets spoke of! Many in our churches today know much ABOUT Jesus without truly KNOWING Jesus. We must be led in humility by the true Star of Bethlehem, Jesus the Christ, until we find Him in the lowliness of the manger, humbled in obedience upon the cross, and recognize Him in the Highest, set at the right Hand of God. When we seek Jesus through the shining brilliance of wisdom found in the Scriptures instead of following the traditions of men, when we listen to the whispers of the Spirit rather than the shouts of our pride, when we desire Him regardless of cost, denying ourselves, He shall be found. Yes, those who are wise still seek Him! Although there are many lessons to be found in the account of the magi, let us see one more very important lesson. The lesson can be found by answering a simple question: Why did the magi come to seek Jesus, the newborn King of the Jews? The answer is found first in verse two; “[we] are come to worship him.” And again in verse eleven we see, “[they] fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.” These magi fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 60:3; “And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.” Their gifts were prophetic in nature as well: gold—indicating Jesus’ future reign, frankincense—showing Jesus’ priestly intercession, and myrrh—prophesying His suffering and death. In the millennium gifts will still be brought and Christ is worshipped: gifts of gold and frankincense for He is still King and Priest, but no gift of myrrh shall be brought, for the suffering and death of Jesus is completed in the past. In Persian society, the magi were honored as royalty, and they brought gifts which were appropriate for another king. They showed homage in a manner fitting a king. They expected nothing in return; the opportunity to see and worship was more than enough. Friends, the truth found here is more foreign to us than the foreignness of the magi! It is so contrary to what many of us have been taught that it may take a while to grasp its importance or hear its truth. The magi did not come to Jesus to gain something from Him; but only to give something to Him. They came to Jesus without any other motive than to worship Him and bring gifts to Him. When we truly find the Christ our desire is to give to Him, not to receive from Him. Don’t get me wrong, we are benefactors and do receive; but that is NOT to be our motive. Would you still worship Jesus if you received nothing in return? Would you still obey Him should you not have the promise of heaven? The magi knew, and we must learn that Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lords; therefore, you are to give Him all glory, laud, honor and power, regardless. He is worthy regardless your circumstance! He is Jesus, Star of Christmas, the Lamb of heaven, Redeemer of the world, and soon coming King! Give all to Him!!!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 17:30:00 +0000

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