Advice seriously needed. Please suggest somewhere if you can - TopicsExpress


Advice seriously needed. Please suggest somewhere if you can think of somewhere. I had the place I wanted to move to, pretty much, decided. I had a conversation with someone yesterday who doesnt think the place I chose would be a good idea but I dont really think they realise how much I already know about, and, how much research Ive done of the area in question but, no less, what they said has put doubts in my mind. Then again, everyones tastes and personalities are different and it really depends on what youre looking for. For example, they said, You want to be in the centre of things. At the hub. The thing is, I dont! I absolutely do not! That was one of the reasons we left Edinburgh in the first place. To get away from the centre of things, the noise, the bustle. To get away from the rat race. I would much rather live in a quiet, simple town and live a quiet, simple life. It should go without saying that, for countless obvious financial and practical reasons, it has to be somewhere in Scotland. So I thought Id compile a list of the things I, personally, am looking for in a place and see what suggestions people come up with:- 1.) I want to be near the sea. This is absolutely crucial. It has to be a good, clean unpolluted sea with clean beaches, too, because I like to go beachcombing and foraging for limpets and other shellfish. So thats the Forth right out of the question! XD 2.) I love the sea and all things nautical so some place where there is the opportunity to sail or travel by sea, even if only a very short ferry crossing, would be great. A small marina/boat club within reachable distance would also be nice because Id love to do what I used to at the Cramond Boat Club... become a social member, get to know people and maybe get the opportunity to crew on someones yacht, either for leisure or for regattas. (Both of which I did at Cramond.) 3.) It would have to be a small, quiet town yet with easy commuting to the nearest major city. (Even if it takes a bus or train journey) So I can, when the opportunities arise, go to the city and do DJing and music gigs of the genre/s that I am used to. I have to think about my future, hence the necessity for a reachable city, good transport links and local opportunities. Bare in mind, also, that one of the first things I intend to do after the move is get driving lessons... 4.) Somewhere where I can get a reasonably sized (not massive but not tiny either) place to accommodate my music equipment and retro gear yet with affordable rent. (Bare in mind that a lot of my retro gear is stuff that I use instead of current equivalents and, there for, takes up about the same space anyway.) Absolutely possible but, again, certainly not in Edinburgh. Probably not in any major city but certainly in smaller towns this is absolutely possible. 5.) Somewhere there is something to do... ANYTHING to do...! ¬.¬ Now I am usually never bored. I am actually quite easily pleased. Give me a promenade to cycle along, a beach to walk along or an amusement arcade or two to frequent and a nice quiet pub and I am happy as Larry! It should also be reasonably crime free and not a place where fist fights break out on a regular basis right outside my window but, then again, I dont really think that is a lot to ask...! -_- Any ideas?
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 13:21:09 +0000

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