After 3 days of fasting and prayer for the suffering souls in the - TopicsExpress


After 3 days of fasting and prayer for the suffering souls in the middle-east. Ok. Lets talk straight: Sunni hates Shia and Shia hates Sunni. They fight a proxy war in #Syria with #Qatar and #Saudi backing Sunni and #Iran backing Shia in #Iraq, Syria and #Hezbollah. #Hamas is Sunni so they should not get along with #Hezbollah but they both want #Israel gone. Then #ISIS came long and suddenly declare they are the supreme Islamic Caliphate. They are the BIG BROTHER of all Muslims. Thats problematic. No one saw this coming so fast. If #ISIS is the BIG BROTHER, who is the #Saudi the home of the Mecca and Kaabah, custodian of Sunni? Who is #Ayatollah Khamenei of #Iran, the supreme Imam of the Shia? Saudi and Iran can no longer fight a proxy war using western powers to remove regime like Assad, Mubarak and Gaddafi. They now have to get their hands dirty. Saudi deploying troops to Iraq border and Iran sending troops to help Iraq fight ISIS. In such fragmented friction among the Muslims in the #middleeast, they employ their traditional tactic to galvanize solidarity among the divided Islamic world- FIRE AT #Israel. This tactic was used by Saddam after he invaded Kuwait in 1990 and 2000. When the international military intervention came to free Kuwait, Iraq fired at Israel to galvanize the divided Muslims. The Gaza conflict was time precisely to do that. Fire rockets indiscriminately at Israel from heavily populated civilians areas including schools and clinics. Provoke Israel to retaliate and caused high civilian casualties to gain international media attention to gain global sympathy and distract the Muslims from their own internal conflicts against a common enemy Israel. The Palestinian Arabs have been victims are such tactics by the Arab for decades. This tactic works every time except with the power of social media and sympathetic western media, the anti-Israel ground swell is larger than ever before even though it was obvious #Hamas started it. Global sympathy also help to speed up recognition of Palestine as a state. While the conflict in #Gaza gain world attention, ISIS continue its genocide against Christians, executing their enemies in masses with little condemnation from the world. The good news is during this dark times many Arabs are seeing the ugly side of lies and turning to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. In #Egypt, the short and oppressive rule of Muslim Brotherhood has caused many Arabs to question their belief. The actions of #Hamas is creating the same disillusionment in #Gaza. #Turkey is still very ambitious after the fall of the #Ottoman Empire (the last Islamic Caliphate). ISIS is problematic for the Arab, the Persian and the Turkish Islamic power bases. They have little option but to fire at Israel. By using the Palestinian Arabs as the perpetual victims, the terrorists have unlimited justification to fire at Israel while Israel struggle to find the basic ground for self-defend. Words like #Occupation #Apartheid #Genocide are being used to perpetuate the victimization of the Palestinian Arabs but who has made the Palestinian Arabs the perpetual victims? The Arab nations who used the Palestinian Arab as tactical tool to galvanized unity among divided Muslims or Israel who has 1.8 million Arab Israelis citizen who live in freedom and representation in parliament. Does the Arabs really care for their fellow Arabs or is this all just political power struggle with religious underpinning or has the perpetual conflict become an enrichment schemes to small group of power-brokers. Deceived Muslim youths joining violent Islamic arm groups and civilians in conflict zones are the real victims. #Egypt has emerged as a light that serve as a peacemaker in such dark time. They have learned their lesson through the Arab Springs. Despite what the media says. This is the straight talk reality about the #middleeast today. It sounds complex but God knows the controversy of the nations and He is working His salvation plan in the midst of rampaging evil in this world that seeks to steal, to kill and to destroy.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 03:46:51 +0000

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