After I shared that video last yesterday. where the Rhinos horn - TopicsExpress


After I shared that video last yesterday. where the Rhinos horn had been cut off and he/she was lying their waiting to die, My heart sank so deep and I felt disgusted, embarrassed and ashamed. I this morning I watched Dex Kotzes interview and he was saying that there are approximately 2000 odd Black Rhino left in the wild (I stand corrected) I cant seem to find that interview again. none the less if I do the math +- 2 years left for them. Now I realize that the 3 rhinos per day could be 1 Black Rhino and 2 white Rhino. but either way its bad. it made me realize how bad things truly are. coming from Zimbabwe I have seen how the Chinese mostly ( please note I am not saying all Chinese, there are some Chinese people totally against all of this) have their hands in every pie all throughout Africa. For instance Mugabis new house in Harare bought and paid for by the Chinese. That factory in Ethiopia I cannot remember the amount of monies invested by the Chinese Gov, but its quite a substantial amount. and those are just 2 things I have heard about. It seems the the Gov of Africa are selling Africa Piece for piece. and in the end they will have control This saddens me. if one takes into account in South Africa alone. for example there are 1000 ( I do not know exact amount) Gov ministers and in our country there are approx 40 million citizens, we have to make or gov listen, we are the stronger if we stand together. but it seems the most important thing to most people here is to get rich quick or go strike and destroy properties. I ask myself WHY do we destroy our own country so?.... are we not proud to be from Africa. Why sell Africa out like this.. they want to build a coal mine in a reserve, again selling Africa out for greed and money. the truth Is i have so many questions and concerns. The view that I have of the whole situation is that animal life has no value anymore, look at how humans treat Pigs, Cows, goodness I will have to mention every single species here.. we farm Pigs in order to make pork chops, bacon etc... (dont get me wrong yes I do realize that humans are meat eaters and farming animals will be here for a long time to come) but how do people sleep at night with how we treat animals farmed... why not treat them at the very least with dignity and Kindness and let them live their short lives at least happily. but know again I say animal life has no meaning to some. 1 x animal equals x amount of monies. DISGUSTING: the way humans have become. it seems that as humans have multiplied to an amount that the world cannot sustain our hearts have grown smaller and we as humans have lost the ability to love and care or species other than ourselves, Please note I am not talking about every single human being out there.. I know there are very many people out their that are such good people such as everyone in this group. i just do not understand how as a mass we have lost control to a few rich and powerful people.. this saddens me so much.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 10:28:33 +0000

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