After a couple of days of thinking about it, I have come to some - TopicsExpress


After a couple of days of thinking about it, I have come to some conclusions that I want to share. Before I say anything about what I am referring to, Ill add a little bit of background info. It USED to REALLY bother me what people thought about me, but that changed many years ago. I could honestly give a shit less what most people think about me, with the exception of my husband and kids. They are the ONLY ones that truly matter to me at the end of the day! I am one of those people that USED to really care about other people, too. That is, until I figured out that most people out there (even blood relatives) are only around when they want something, or can benefit some way from you. I did any and every thing I could for people I considered friends whether it was being there if they just needed someone to talk to up to loaning them money (one couple, I actually loaned $10,000.00 to so they wouldnt lose their house at the time, which, I have yet to be paid back for, nor probably will I ever receive back). And what did I expect in return for my friendship? All I actually EVER cared about was to receive the same love and respect that I gave those people that I helped in whatever it was that I gave. Nothing more, nothing less, but I eventually learned even that was too much to expect in return. Not everyone thinks about those things like I did. I shouldnt have expected anything in return. I am also, whether I, or anyone else likes, a very judgmental person. However, there are reasons (even if I am the only one that understands why) for every single thought of judgment. For instance: I hate a drunk! And I really cant stand it when people drink every single day! IMO - if you are drinking every single day, you have a problem! I live, and have lived, my life based on principle and truth. I stand up for whats right (and for those people or even animals that either dont or cant stand up for themselves) and if I say it, you best believe it is the truth as I know it. Im also one of those people that says whats on my mind - if I think it, I say it. And those are things that most people that I have been friends with cant handle about me. I dont tell people what they want to hear, but rather what they need to hear. Unfortunately, this has cost me many friendships but, on the other hand, they were all probably those fake friends that my life has been surrounded with for far too long. Now, the point to all of the background info was to spell out the reasons for the following statements: Im DONE with most things on FB. It was fun 9 years ago when I first joined, connecting with people that I hadnt heard, or even thought, about in years. But, to be perfectly honest, recently, FB has done nothing but cause strife (even if those events did lead to me figuring out about more fake friends which was a good thing). I wasted hours upon hours on shit that doesnt matter in the least freaking bit, with people that I will probably NEVER see again as long as I live! Just crazy! So, Im choosing to focus on the things, and the ONLY things that matter to me - MY FAMILY! Ill leave this up for a few days so people can see it, then Im going to be disabling my account. If there are those of you that want to reach me, you can do so via email: melissadferrell@aim
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 04:20:41 +0000

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