After a long journey from a distant land, the Purple Unicorn - TopicsExpress


After a long journey from a distant land, the Purple Unicorn thought Yes! I finally get to live in Hollywood! Upon dashing to what she thought would be her future home, she circled the block only to find an island of Homeless people. Not the quiet kind who mind their own business but rather the sorts that bring in their own tents and walk drunkenly in the middle of the street, staring off into the distance, staggering back and forth looking to commit evil deeds. This scared the Purple Unicorn. After turning the next corner, she stopped her vehicle to see not one, but THREE crackheads standing a mere 20 feet away, freebasing from a crack pipe. And in that moment the Purple Unicorn said NOPE!, and called up the nice Landlord lady that ran the clean and safe White Fortress in Los Feliz. Is a room still available in your fortress? asked the Unicorn Yes said the nice Landlady I would like to submit my application, STAT said the Unicorn Ok but I need 20 dollars to run your credit. I have twenty dollars right now and will gladly give it to you Come over then! said the kind Landlady. Purple Unicorn DASHED as quickly as she could to the safe Los Feliz Fortress - handed over her twenty dollars and so - she waits. TO BE CONTINUED......
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 19:26:02 +0000

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