After a very brutal #legDay that had me near pass out on multiple - TopicsExpress


After a very brutal #legDay that had me near pass out on multiple occasions, (no bullshit. I fought off losing consciousness at least 4 or 5 times), I decided, hey! You know what sounds like a really good idea? I should try to achieve a new one rep max on my favorite exercise, the deadlift! Mind you, I was walking like a zombie and my brain was recieving less oxygen than its used to, (and, Im not that bright to begin with). I dont know if its because I finally decided to take a pre-workout shot that had me so pumped at the gym or if Krom just favored me this day, but I was confident as I racked my 405 lbs. together. Once prepared, I stood over it looking down on it like that iconic Muhammad Ali poster. It was mine for the taking. As shit faced as I was from pure exhaustion, I tried to make sure my form was correct and began my ritual of mentally cursing the weight as if had done me a grave injustice. I mean, how dare it lie there doing nothing, prostrated before me as I seethed and fumed. HOW DARE IT! I pulled. The blood that was starting to regulate its way back into the other parts of my body cursed as my legs called on its assistance once again. The weight left the ground, but was hell bent on making me fight all the way up. Truth be told, it wouldnt have been worth it any other way. My legs began to straighten, the weight pulling farther from its plane of rest, my legs screaming their titan-ous mantra to keep.extending.keep.extinding.keep... The bar passed my knee. I still wasnt at full extension, but was steadily climbing there. The fury was gone. Now, this was a dance that I knew the moves to and have practiced with others, but never before with this partner. I took the lead and I didnt miss a step. I was enraptured even before it was over. Pure bliss. New personal best. Our dance was over. I dropped the weight with less grace than I had lifted it. The sound boomed throughout, drawing the attention of those around me, (and a few compliments from those that saw me do the barbarous leg work out that I did already BEFORE attempting this new 1rm). I thrust my arms up into the sky, hands balled into fists, grin splitting my face, beaming pride. I had to fight back tearing up, which was almost as hard as lifting the weight. Im proud of the work Ive done to get here. Im excited for my new dance partners. I bent down, pat the weight. Thank you. Today is a magnificent day. I love all of you. TLDR: I lifted a new personal max deadlift of 405 lbs. After doing a grueling leg workout beforehand. Im very happy.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 19:40:18 +0000

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