After finishing training tonight I went to eat dinner at a mexican - TopicsExpress


After finishing training tonight I went to eat dinner at a mexican restraunt at portside. When I arrived at the establishment I browsed the menu briefly before ordering, I decided to go with something other than tacos or burritos (which I order ninety-nine percent of the time at a mexican restraunt). The waiter came over to our table. It was my turn to order. What can I get for you? he asked me Ill have the chili con carne I replied confidently. A calming aura surrounded me and I was satisfied that I had made the correct choice and was looking forward to having a pleasant dining experience. Would you like a drink with that? Said the waiter. No thank you, Ill just have water I replied after considering my options Well, we have a special today and if you order a drink you get a free second serving of the chili con carne said the waiter with a confident tone in his voice. He knew that he had talked me into it Ok give me a coke I said. A cheeky grin came over the waiters face, the exact same grin as Dr. Evil when he has devised a brilliant scheme to take over the world. A little time passed and my meal came out to the table. It was a little larger than I had expected but I still had no doubt that I would easily be able to complete two servings. I picked up my fork and proceeded to put the first mouthful into my mouth. It was tasty, but this was no ordinary chili con carne, this was very very hot chili con carne. I looked over to the waiter and I saw the same evil grin on his face, for you see, he had tricked me in to ordering a drink by using the temptation of a free second serving, however I suspect he had doused my meal in death sauce or something similar with the expectation that it would be too hot for me and I would not even order the second serving. Clever, very clever I thought to myself. I looked over at him and gave him a little nod as if to say well played sir, well played indeed. His masterplan was working. The same masterplan which had probably worked for him a thousand times before was working once again, or so he thought! I finished off this first serving as fast as I could, my mouth was burning and I had sweat dripping off my brow, but I was determined to defeat this foe, I could not let him win! The waiter came over to the table and saw that I had completed the whole serving Would you like some more chili con carne? he muttered, the tone in his voice had changed, he was no longer full of confidence like he was just a few minutes ago, he seemed a little worried, maybe even little bit scared. I sure would like some more I replied confidently. I had put on my best poker face and acted as if his chili con carne had not even phased me at all. The waiter headed out to the kitchen to prepare my second serving of chili con carne, he was in a position he did not expect to be in. I was winning this battle, I could feel victory within my grasp. A short while later the waiter returned with my second serving. He looked a little bit more confident now, no words were said as he placed the meal down on the table in front of me and walked away. I took a mouthful of the chili con carne and I immediately knew that this battle was far from over. The waiter had made this serving of chili con carne even hotter. I was a few mouthfuls in, my lips were burning and I could feel my eyes going red. I had no milk or any beverage to help me through this experience so I decided just to get it over and done with as fast as I could. I persisted and before I knew it I had completed the second serving. I had done it. Victory was mine. I went up to the counter to pay for dinner and could see the defeated look in the waiters eye. I smiled at him as I swiped my credit card through the machine. But he did not stop there, he continued to tell me about a similar promotion they were running tomorrow. Thats good to know I said. I walked away feeling rather satisfied, however I had a feeling I had not seen the last of this villain. Will this be the last I see of the evil waiter or does he have more tricks up his sleeve? Find out next time!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 11:59:26 +0000

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