After hearing of a good friends brother that took his life Sunday, - TopicsExpress


After hearing of a good friends brother that took his life Sunday, it makes me angry. Taking your life is the most selfish thing anyone can do. You leave all of your loved ones with out you, with out answers, with a hole in their heart. The ones you leave behind are left feeling guilty for every thing they ever said and did & didnt say and didnt do. 2 weeks ago some one posted on FB about they were ending their life, thank goodness friends saw, and got the police and saved her. Suicide is not an answer. It is PERMANENT! Think about your parents, grandparents, wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, kids, grand kids, friends, and even your dog! Call someone, even 911, churches have counselors if you want to remain unanimous. Suicide hotline is 1-800-273-8255. Dont do this to your self, especially to the hundreds of people you will affect by doing it. People love you, people dont like you, people admire you, people despise you, you are someones sunshine, & you are someones nightmare. But thats life. Everyone has ups and downs, thats what makes life interesting. If you are reading this then you are a friend and someone that has made a mark on my life, keep making marks on other peoples lives! Having suicidal thoughts is more common than you think. Ive even thought about it, (nothing Ive ever shared before) or even come close to doing and would never do that to the ones I love. There are other ways to get attention. Think twice or even ten times if you are ever considering it. My phone number is on my profile and I leave my phone on 24 hours a day. (Ive always left it on incase any friends needed a ride home from a bar, dont drink and drive either!) Call a loved one if you need to till someone helps. My dad called me and I thought he was just over reacting. Wish I had that phone call to do over again!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 23:56:49 +0000

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