After moms passing we all had a peace come over us and the - TopicsExpress


After moms passing we all had a peace come over us and the emotions turned into joy and excitement to know that she had spent her whole life helping others and raising her children and grandchildren to seek Gods will and to follow him. Then it started again when we had to sit down with our daughters and Yana and Andrew had to sit down with the boys!!! I was quiet the whole ride home from St. Pete thinking about what I would say!! Amber told me she couldnt handle it and she needed me to do it. See mom pretty much raised our daughters with us by watching them 3-4 days a week for 12-14 hour days and helped them with there school work and took them to ballet and gymnastics and church and taught piano while we were working. She was the one when Ryleigh would get upset that Ryleigh wanted to cal! We lived on the family compound until last year and the kids would run next door to see Papa and Grammy.So I knew it wasnt going to be easy!! I prayed and prayed the whole way home. When we picked the girls up from there cousins house I was short and did not talk to the other family because we were preparing ourselves and the kids did not know yet!!! I told the girls to grab the bags because we had to go. Baby girl (Abby) asked amber to sit in the back seat of the expedition with them and I had to fight back tears because they had never asked her that before. Amber talked to them about there day and there first question was how is Grammy? I knew amber was going to lose it so I quickly said she is feeling a lot better. Then we drove home. When we got home my neighbor was working in his yard and yelled across the street how is your mother? I started tearing up and just put my hand up and told the kids to go put their bags inside. I walked across the street already crying and he said you dont have to say a word I KNOW and I can tell yall are fixing to talk to them!!!! I couldnt even say a word and he just patted me on the back and said I love you man!!! I pulled my self together and went in the house and told the girls excitedly to come to the living room by the front door cause I needed to talk to them. As Ryleigh was munching down on her happy meal that she brought home I said I need to talk to yall!! I stopped and said give me a minute because I had already started balling. They both stared at me and as amber started to cry they knew something was wrong. I dont know how I got the words out but I said do yall know why we ask Jesus into our hearts and Ryleigh said so we can go to heaven!!! I said thats right and so we can all see each other again later!!! Then I said well Grammy isnt hurting anymore because she went to heaven today and she is now yalls guardian angel!!!!! She will be looking down on yall for the rest of your lifes and yall need to make her proud!!!! As we all sat on the couch and held each other balling our eyes out. Amber said Jesus needed a piano player in heaven girls and Ryleigh said but now the church doesnt have one. She walked off to find herself like I do and we heard her crying in the other living room by herself. Amber went to hold her and baby girl came up to me crying and jumped on my lap for me to hold her. After a couple hours we all had settled down and amber made banana pudding with them (well it was pudding because she forgot the bananas) and they were distracted!!! A couple things happened that evening and Amber would say thats Grammy doing that!!! It was raining outside and Amber told the girls Grammy was watering our plants to make them pretty and the girls said does that mean she is peeing!!! Lol !! My point is that although it was literally the hardest thing to do in my life!!!! It has been a blessing to see how much Grammy has influenced there lifes!!! They are reminding us constantly of the things they have done with her and will never forget them!!! Mom was such an amazing person. Amber said last night as we laid down that she prays she can be half the mother that mom was. There have been so many others say the same and I can tell you that mom would say dont worry about her just follow God!!!!! She might have left her earthly body but SHE DOESNT NEED IT ANYMORE!!!! She is far better off than any of us!!!! She will never be forgotten and we will see her in our children every day!!! I pray my daughters will grow up to be like her and will touch as many lifes as she has!!!!! It has shown us that our children see every little thing we do and hear every word we say.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 07:35:07 +0000

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